View Full Version : I need help please now!!!!!!!!

09-04-2013, 06:09 AM
Is vision stuff common with anxiety??? I have blurred vision floaters black little spots that come and go my perception feels off seeing things that aren't there...... Is this normal???

09-04-2013, 06:30 AM
Yes, when in doubt check the symptoms list that's stickied on the forum. But over the years i've seen weekly posts about vision issues and floaters. Don't worry about them, you'll only notice them more and make it all last longer. More stress = more symptoms. Do yourself a favour and keep busy and distracted. Worrying about the symptoms only serves to make them last longer.

The help you seek is all within your own power to do, simply this - let the symptoms come and go as they please. The more yo8 ustress out the more your body stresses out and the more symptoms it'll create to tell you it's stressed out and wants to recover and repair.
