View Full Version : Itchiness is driving me nuts

09-04-2013, 03:14 AM
I am a 17 year old male. Ive always had an itchiness problem maybe due to my sensitive skin but it stays for 10 secs and goes I guess it is normal
Currently since few days the Itchiness for the first time in my life has come to such a rise that I have to scratch all the time. I hardly sleep for an hour or two because I wake up out of itchiness
Something bothering me even more is that my mom said to me that such problems happen to homosexuals and shes stopped speaking to me although my accounts are clear
I am very unsure why does it itch so bad now
I am quickly going to jot down what couldve caused it, can anybody help me decide what it possibly is and what I can do now?
1. I did have kinda eczema on the head since I moved to England 2years ago
2. It can be growth since even my knee caps are itchy
3. Before coming over to Pakistan for a 3month vacation I had an arthologram and an MRI scan. It mostly causes an infection and I believe it has grown since I didnt treat it due to being absent from England. But the point to notice is that it didnt itch for 2 months and it started out so bad all at once. This one looks alike since I dont have rashes bumps or redness on skin only itching that shows its something underneath the skin
4. It can also be unhygenic food. I found a bee outta my curry after I had almost completed my meal just a week back. If anyone knows what Thaadal juice is, I fed me a glass from a local unhygenic stall. It may have also cause allergies I guess
5. I recently had a meal made up of red rice, Ive had it for the first time in life, I guess there is also a possibility that it caused an allergy
6. Itchiness, Ive read can also be caused due to fat loss ? Ive been doing some abdominal workouts which did hurt my wing bits on the both sides of my lower back and it itches very bad there. This leads us back to eczema, seborhoeic dermatitis
7. Maybe the temperature change is contributing but why after 2months? My feet release heat at times due to the blood circulation

I know I can get it treated after a month when Im back in England but this itchy bit and my mom's sayings cause anxiety and a ton of depression. I was alright in the first place but now I dont wish for the infection or allergy to proceed any further after I heard some bad experiences from mates

One reason Im so eager here is that I cant find a proper doctor in here who wants to cure it from the very roots *I miss English Doctors*. The doctor I visited gave me clarinex, betnasal tablets along with 3 other unnamed tablets + a small bottle of panadol/brufen mixture. My shoulder dislocated twice in eight months and I didnt take a painkiller like ibuprofen which is very common for athletes like me. Even when they were placing the shoulder back. I cant believe this doctor told me to take a steroid tablet therefore I have to ask others.
Please respond asap, it would mean alot to me