View Full Version : Anxious and panicky on a empty stomach

09-03-2013, 09:07 PM
Today I ate around 11am. Then didn't eat nothing again till about 7:30-8pm before I ate, I was real panicky.. chest problems and just feeling unwell. When I actually sat sown to eat, I was a bit nauseous but forced myself to eat.. 5 min after starting to eat , my anxiety started to subside.. I started to feel better. But my sugar was 120 so I was not suffering from hypoglycemic. .. has anyone felt this way on a prolonged empty stomach???

09-03-2013, 10:06 PM
The hormone we associate most with our ability to feel “awake” is cortisol. Cortisol is a sugar-mobilizing hormone we produce for two primary reasons: as a response to stress and when our blood sugar drops too low. Historically, stress for humans has meant “fight or flight” or as I like to put it “I have to run from the bear.” During stress, our body makes adrenaline which helps prepare us for running: our heart pumps faster and lungs open wide to help provide more blood to our brain and muscles. At the same time we are producing adrenaline, we also produce cortisol, which mobilizes sugar from storage so the brain and muscles can work extra hard, run fast, and climb that tree. When you don't eat, your body produces adrenaline and cortisol to stabilize your blood sugar levels, so you will have a normal blood sugar and still have anxiety as if you were hypoglycemic. The lesson, be sur you eat regularly or it's going to Make the anxiety worse!

09-03-2013, 10:58 PM
Thanks... understood.. :)