View Full Version : Feeling like I've been drugged

Dave Tupper
09-03-2013, 05:35 PM
Does anyone else every feel like this during the day?

For me It usually hits after lunch or around 5-7pm. Out of no where my mind gets extremely tired and I get tension in my eye area. I have trouble thinking straight and staying awake, its like I have been drugged. It does not happen every day but might happen on days where I have more anxiety. When this happens I put my head down to rest and my body kind of falls asleep but my mind is still going and is half in reality and half in the dream world. After 10-15 minutes I begin to feel better again and have a clearer mind. Its not the same tiredness I get when I am going to bed at night.

09-03-2013, 06:35 PM
I feel that way too sometimes.
Today I did...I was sitting here reading online and then I felt just really tired. Mentally and physically. I started to feel lightheaded and like my mind wasnt able to form thoughts properly.
I always just go take a nap when that happens and usually I wake up feeling a lot better.