View Full Version : Watery mouth.

11-13-2007, 06:06 PM
Sometimes, my mouth gets suddenly watery. It's a sort of thirst, I usually drink some water when I have that but the symptom persists for hours. Then it disappears. And comes back. I've had that for the last three days, but it happened few months ago for a while.

Could this be just anxiety?

11-14-2007, 01:29 AM
Athough I have never seen this as an anxiety symptom, it is certainl possible. Another likely possibility is that it is entirely normal. But because your anxiety has made you hypervigilant, you notice it more and fer that it is abnormal. Interestingly, I had this problem about a month ago (or so). It actually worried me somewhat that I had this problem. But I decided that it is probably normal, and I wasn't going to concentrate on it. These days, I seldom think about it anymore.

11-14-2007, 06:42 AM
I heard it could be a symptom of diabetes, and that stressed me. However, the fact it happens only at times (mainly when I type at the computer) and disappeared as a symptom for several months, makes me think it's anxiety.

11-19-2007, 06:32 AM
I'm still thirsty, and I noticed thirst is more likely to come after I've eaten. My doctor doesn't think it's diabetes - but honestly why not? There must be something wrong if I'm always thirsty even after I've drunk. I'm just hoping it's anxiety.

Someone out there to calm me down?

11-19-2007, 11:22 PM
jeordie just take a step back and a big breath i think that it is all anxiety i read some where and have tired it out for my self that water will help with your anxiety so if you feel thursty mate just drink its not going to hurt you and because you are on a high from your anxiety you are noticing things that are going on in your body so mate dont worry about it, i no it is easy said