View Full Version : Sick :(
09-03-2013, 04:39 PM
I'm sick of this! I can't cope with these pains anymore :( it's like everyday I'm worrying I'm not gonna be ok... every time I get chest pain or back pain or arm pains I just panic like hell and its everyday :( gets worse at night! why can't I be ok and these symptoms leave.. if i didnt have them then jd be ok and it doesnt help that there arm chest back and shortness of breathe. why can't they be somewhere else???? it's not right having them 24/7 with nothing to get rid of them. I wanna be happy!!!!
09-03-2013, 05:05 PM
I so know how you feel, im exactly the same i wake up n start worrying about the pains I get, I always think the worse. Not sure if its the anxiety which is causing my pain or if it's something serious. Sick of dizzy spells, head pains and now my skin feels so itchy n hot. Sick of going to docs n being told its anxiety, surely I wouldn't feel physical symptoms with anxiety. So jealous of people around me who dont have this daily battle and can enjoy their life. Aargh x
09-03-2013, 05:08 PM
I know it's horrible :( I get these symptoms wen I feel ok and calm too and usually i feel ok wen having them so dont know why they come on but once it hits night time I worry. and apparently alot of people get symptoms with anxiety but mines just constant from waking up till bed :(
09-03-2013, 05:11 PM
I actually thought anxiety was just raced heart shakey feeling and feeling panicky not all these physical stuff :(
09-03-2013, 05:16 PM
Yes I wake up n feel ok but then start worrying about the anxiety or next pain and it all starts again. Today I thought I was having a heart attack and also thought I had a brain tumour or aneurysm. Just want to feel normal and stop worrying and looking out for the nxt pain. X
Well I definitely understand I felt like I had the flu..I lost so much weight I look sick...I wake up every morning gaging,pacing...then the depression kicks in..etc
Mine is opposite I feel ok at night and awful in morning all day
09-05-2013, 03:45 PM
Still feeling rotten went to a n e today as thought I was having a heart attack, after all tests n xrays n blood everything came bk fine n doctor said its my anxiety n I need to calm down n relax. Really fed up tonight. I really want to stop worrying n calm down but I can't help it. Still got stabbing n burning pains in my head not sure if its anxiety or what. Feel super dizzy n anxious tonight. X
09-06-2013, 02:31 AM
What happened to make u go to a and e Hun?
I was at doctors yesterday cos I'm really sick of having sore/numb/tingly arms and hands :( they just give me a book to read up about anxiety an says it is that as I've been checked and I've had all the symptoms before :( doctor says we wonder why we get these symptoms but our brain can make us think funny things :/I just don't believe it is anxiety as I never get panic attacks ever :/ how u feeling today?
09-06-2013, 04:16 AM
Hi em, ive been having pains in my chest n arm and a tingerling feeling down my arm, so decided to get it checked out as I was really getting worried and was scared I was having a heart attack. Anyway after litd of test doc said I was fine and need to stop getting so stressed as that can do more harm than good, easier said than done. Still not feeling 100% and still have a paib in my chest but trying not to let it worry me. everyday I worry about new pains would be nice to feel healthy and normal. X
09-06-2013, 04:19 AM
aw :( I've had that a few times but its both arms now :( the hospital round here don't help much all they do is give an ECG (print of your heart rhythm) if that's ok they make u leave. I've had 3 of them an x ray and bloods done had my thyroid checked and a full blood count and they says my phosphate is a bit high. the doctor doesn't wanna give me meds tho :/ are you on any?
09-06-2013, 04:31 AM
I feel alittle better knowing everything is ok with my heart but know in a few days ill be worring again. Im not taking any meds, everytime I go to the docs they just prescribe tablets. Once went on dome but they made me feel worse awful anxiety and wierd dreams so I stopped taking them. Tryed some herbal tablets and they seemed to help so thinking of trying them again. X
09-06-2013, 04:36 AM
Ah yea I've tried herbal tablets called rescue remedy and they seem to work :) if u ever need a chat just dm me :) xx
09-06-2013, 05:08 AM
Aww thank you thats great. Ive been on st johns wort which seemed to help so going to get some tomorrow and start taking them. Awful feeling this way its a daily battle for me. Nice to talk to someone who understands. X
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