View Full Version : Panicky hours after fatty foods
09-03-2013, 02:05 PM
Hi lastnight I was freaking out... for 3 hours after I ate chicken nuggets some fries and a small hamburger my pulse was at 100. I could feel it in my whole body... I paced the floor for 3 hours after eating... my question is why??? I want to know please
09-03-2013, 02:10 PM
Hi lastnight I was freaking out... for 3 hours after I ate chicken nuggets some fries and a small hamburger my pulse was at 100. I could feel it in my whole body... I paced the floor for 3 hours after eating... my question is why??? I want to know please
Mine does exact thing would love to know why? Also does this to me after spicy foods?
09-03-2013, 02:12 PM
I mean I know that it can do that.. but does its happen hours after...??? I freaking hate it.. I tell u one thing McDonalds just lost a customer. Cause I don't want to feel that way again
09-03-2013, 02:13 PM
Mine does exact thing would love to know why? Also does this to me after spicy foods?
I don't eat spicy foods but I have read high carb foods nd spicy foods do this..
09-03-2013, 02:23 PM
I don't eat spicy foods but I have read high carb foods nd spicy foods do this..
This used to not bother me now I notice it all the time, very frustrating
09-03-2013, 02:51 PM
Yep all I can do is eat a decent hour.. so I'm up moving my food around instead of laying there. I layer down maybe 30min after dinner. Not really a good thing.
09-03-2013, 02:53 PM
When you eat, your body has to increase blood flow to the stomach to digest. To keep your blood pressure level and maintain blood flow To the rest of your body, your heart rate increases and your heart may beat harder. This is all normal. Unfortunately, due to our heightened body awareness and health fears, we tend to catastrophicize this normal body process and make it scary. 100 bpm heart rate is within normal range for digestion. And it takes several hours to digest a meal, especially a high fat meal. Fats and proteins are the most difficult for the body to break down.
09-03-2013, 03:10 PM
When you eat, your body has to increase blood flow to the stomach to digest. To keep your blood pressure level and maintain blood flow To the rest of your body, your heart rate increases and your heart may beat harder. This is all normal. Unfortunately, due to our heightened body awareness and health fears, we tend to catastrophicize this normal body process and make it scary. 100 bpm heart rate is within normal range for digestion. And it takes several hours to digest a meal, especially a high fat meal. Fats and proteins are the most difficult for the body to break down.
Thank u this really has made me feel a lot better.. I need to cut back high fatty foods anyways. Idk what my crazy self was thinking eating that late and that kind of food. Should have just a salad
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