View Full Version : Anxicalm ( Diazepam 2mg ) advice please

11-13-2007, 04:09 AM

Yesterday I went to see my Dr because since Weds of last week my head had felt like it was going to explode, I have had no real pain just a feeling of pressure on one side of my head ( sometimes both) and felt like I was drunk and nauseaus, By saturday morning I was beside myself with worry and was convinced I was going to die and had a major panic attack.

The doctor Diagnosed me with anxiety and stress ( and probably depression) I have had depression many times before but never felt like this with it !

Anyway he has perscribed me with Diazepam 2mg 3 times a day for a week just to help calm me down while I have blood tests and we start a course of action on beating this.

I had to take 4 tablets yesterday just to ease the pressure ( My Mum is a nurse and she advised me that it would be ok to take an extra one ) .

This morning I woke up and the first thing I was aware of was having major butterflies in my stomach, I know it was because I was worrying "Will my head be ok when I get up ... ect etc".

I took my 2mg straight away and was feeling ok except for a slight headache, I took my son to school and then went to the gym and on the way home the pressure started to return, already one side of my head feels totally weird and I feel drunk and the pressure is returning ( it's only been 2 hours since I took my first pill today)

I suppose I thought because I now know that I'm not dying of a brain tumor and its just stress that I would feel ok today and my head would be fine and because it isn't I'm freaking out again

Has anyone else on here had these symptoms and taken diazepam ?

does it take a few days to work ?

I just want to feel better, I want my head to stop feeling like this so I can stop worrying

please help !

11-14-2007, 11:30 PM
hello i have diazepam i dont take it on a regular basic thou because it can be adictive iam on 5mg, 2mg is a very low dose which nilly dose nothing. but with the anxiety and the drunk feeling i also get some times its because you are not breathing right and you maybe taking in to much oxy or the other way round not leting out enough co2 which makes you dizzy and feel like your drunk and also gives you headachs so what you need to do is when you feel the anxiety or drunkeness take a slow deep breath then let it out slowly and say to your self it will pass it will pass you must do your breathing slowly and just think about your breathing i hope this helps.