View Full Version : I think my anxiety is coming back

09-03-2013, 10:34 AM
God after everything, now it's coming back to haunt again, why me?? 😥

09-03-2013, 11:09 AM
God after everything, now it's coming back to haunt again, why me?? dde25

I'm with ya, had to go to the er this past weekend as I was sure I was going to die. Heart rate and bp elevated for hrs... Now I'm back to being scared about them. It's brutal. What are your main anxieties?

09-04-2013, 09:33 AM
Hard to explain my anxiety

It's health based, just been to doctors, who say I'm fine, can't believe I'm back here again

I thought it was over

09-04-2013, 09:40 AM
Jay me too...that's my exact saying..

09-04-2013, 09:41 AM
After my kids and good job...why ...and now I quit my job..cry act like on losing it

09-06-2013, 10:16 AM
I know your pain Lee

All it takes is one thing to happen & now I'm back at square one

I have a good job, wonderful girlfriend & a good life

I think it's time for professional help :(

09-06-2013, 10:41 AM
hey guys, I know what you mean. Mine has come back also. It was gone for so long. We can fight this without professional help. I know that I'm healthy, and when I feel it coming on, I tell myself that it's nothing serious. I"m healthy and in good shape(I run twice a week), after a little bit it goes away. From then on, whenever I have that same feeling, I know what it is and my anxiety is gone. It's about pinpointing what triggers it and telling yourself that its nothing. Once it goes away, whenever you feel it coming back you know it's nothing and it goes away quickly. After training your mind to ignore this, your anxiety slowly starts to go away and not come back. My first anxiety attack came about 6 years ago. I had chest pains and I thought I was going to have a heartattack. I went to the doctors, had everything checked out, ekg, stress test, etc. and found out nothing was wrong. I was healthy. So whenever I started feeling chest pains again, I know what it was and told myself there's nothing wrong with me. After a while of doing that, my anxiety disappeared, for 6 years! Now my attack came 2 days ago, but this time it was my neck. I felt that my neck was GOING to close up on me. I was driving and I also felt as if I was going to faint. I got home safely, thank god and now I feel like you guys. I feel like I'm back at square one. But i Know I"m not, because I don't have any anxiety, panic attacks regarding my chest anymore. I still have those chest pains, but they go away. This is the same thing!! You have to train your mind that it's not anything serious, and to be honest, it isn't. This will take a couple days or weeks, but after you trained your mind, your body will follow and you will over come those attacks. I'm in that process now. I started feeling one come on about 15 mins ago. I had to get up and walk around and tell myself what it was. It went away. I suspect I will be having more, but like I said before, I have to train my mind what it is and my body will follow. I'm on the same boat as you guys are, but we can do this!

09-06-2013, 11:03 AM
:( it hurts so bad to see my babys moving foward and here I sit...broken mind

09-06-2013, 12:11 PM
dont give up lee2. It's all mind games. Train your mind. You do that everyday at work or when studying. You train your mind to learn something new, right? Whether it be a sport, work, world news, driving, walking, eating, etc. You are constantly training your mind. This is just another type of training. TRUST ME, when you have trained your mind to ignore stuff like that, you will live a normal(and other say better) life. I guarantee it.

09-06-2013, 12:41 PM
I trying not to..I quit work..I don't know how to calm down, my mind says your mentally ill...and don't have long..and I cherish my babys..

09-06-2013, 01:32 PM
Stay strong brother. Remember you will always have good days and you will always have bad days. Hopefully the good days will outweigh the bad days. This does not mean its coming back. Anxiety can show up at anytime but it also can leave at anytime. I have days where its really bad and then I have days where it truly does not bother me at all. Cherish the good days.

09-06-2013, 05:16 PM
that is true, you will have good days and bad days, but if you know what your having, you will have more good days than bad. From my previous example. The first time I had my panic attack was because my chest started hurting. Now when it hurts, I brush it off(and it starts to hurt almost everyday around 5pm as Im heading out from work) because I know what IT ISN'T. It's not my heart because I know I have a healthy heart. Now my throat is starting to feel as if its closing up by itself. That's my new anxiety I have to train my mind and body to ignore. I had an attack 2 days ago while driving. I felt as if I was going to faint. Well guess what? I just came back(about 5 mins ago) from taking my pants to the cleaners and I decided to go out to the highway and face the traffic. I PURPOSELY put myself IN THE MIDDLE of traffic and went along with it for about 20 mins. I felt my throat start to close up, but I knew it wasn't closing, it was just my anxiety. Im training my mind and body to spot these little things and brush it off as nothing because it is nothing. I go out of the highway without any panic attack or anxiety attack. I faced my fears head on. I belive that's what you need to do. Some people can do it by themselves(like me) and others need another person with them. Either way it's not problem. The key is to train your mind and body to ignore these things. I know I'm healthy because I run twice a day(2.5 miles) and eat healthy, thanks to my wife. She cooks fish because she loves it and I HATE IT, but I eat it every once and a while because I know it's healthy for your body. I also take fish oil pills everyday(or at least every other day). I'm sure my anxiety will come back sometime, but the key is to slowly taper off your anxiety until you dont have any. I haven't had an anxiety attack(before my last one) in 3 years!!! Once I train my mind and body to not react when I feel my throat closing, I will be able to conqure this anxiety , until a new one decided to pop up a couple years from now LOL!! If that happens, I will train my body to do the same thing. It's doable people, I promise. We can beat this without any medication!! I understand for some people who have real bad anxiety, they may need medication, but for everyone else, we can do it without.

09-06-2013, 05:39 PM
This is different I used to have all those..nit chest pain but the thoart closing etc...yrs ago now 10 later with never taking meds...I get these panic attacks of I just straight losing it..like I going crazy literally..lost so much weight..cry, feel like I can't do anything...just werid

09-06-2013, 05:40 PM
I have 2 kids so I desperately trying to feel right..so I started meds...it's like god hear my prayers

09-06-2013, 06:26 PM
dont worry, You will get through it. Just do what I said and I promise it'l work. It has worked for me :)

09-06-2013, 06:44 PM
Thank u Harold...but ruby now my anxiety is going crazy abd being in a mental ward...by crazy I mean just saying I can't do anything normal in life..with out feeling nut normal...and my.biggest thing cause my depression is my kids...I love them dearly...more then words can say...each day I drifting away.......away...

09-13-2013, 01:14 PM
Never give up hope lee

I'm pleased to say my anxiety is fading again

Never give up mate

09-13-2013, 03:07 PM
Oh thanks so much Jay 1985.. you have given me advise and have said good things..I appreciate it...;) still another day:);.. how u Jay...where ya from