View Full Version : Bad Night/Bad Day

09-03-2013, 06:01 AM
I barely slept last night, my anxiety feels totally out of control. I woke up this morning to go to work and wanted to cry. I keep trying to tell myself that it is just my anxiety and it will pass. Most days that helps me but today is not one of those days :(

09-03-2013, 03:08 PM
Really sorry you're struggling. I hate those anxious, sleepless nights. They leave you feeling really ill the next day. The lack of sleep just makes the anxiety, and everything else worse. Did you make it into work today? I hope you were able to. Even though you were obviously feeling really bad, I think the best thing is to try and continue with our normal routine as far as possible. I hope being at work distracted you and that the day passed quickly and you have a much better night tonight.

Are you getting any professional help for your anxiety?

09-03-2013, 03:21 PM
Hi Tailspin,
Thanks for your response. Yes, I forced myself to go to work today. I knew staying home would be the worst thing for me. The first few hours all I wanted to do was cry, but after a while I started to feel a little better. The distracting definitely helped! Yes, I am in therapy and taking meds. My anxiety has been pretty well controlled for a while, but lately something sparked it and it seems to be pretty bad. It's mostly the racing/worst case scenario thoughts! Some days/nights I just wish I could shut my brain off. I feel a little better right now, but I am already getting anxious...worrying I won't be able to sleep tonight and that I will wake up feeling the same way tomorrow :(

09-03-2013, 09:35 PM
Really glad you made it into work today and that the distraction helped.

I can so relate to your anxiety mounting as nighttime approaches in case you have a repeat performance. I tend to get my worst anxiety at night and I often find myself feeling anxious when it gets dark, like my sub-conscious remembers all the previous panic attacks I've had at night.

It's great that your anxiety is well controlled for the most part with meds and therapy. I hope this recent spike is just a very temporary blip. And especially, I hope you get a good night's sleep tonight!

09-04-2013, 06:53 AM
Thank you! I slept a little better last night, but of course the anxiety started as soon as my eyes opened! What I possible be anxious about at 6am?!??! UGH! I don't get it! I really hope this is a temporary blip, I am sick of feeling unhappy. I see my therapist tonight. Thank you for your kind words and support :)