View Full Version : Does anyone elses?

09-03-2013, 04:08 AM
does anyone else's hands tingle? and get pains in there arms? :/ I seem to get it everyday for the last few weeks but mostly the left side.. it was my right hand and arm yesterday but now my left feels funny again :/

09-03-2013, 07:21 AM
Have you done any cbt yet?

What motivates you to go onto a forum, and write this post? (I mean this in a nice way, btw :))

Worry, right? or some kind of fear or idea that something isn't normal? Something, kind of along those lines, I'm sure. At least, that's why I googled these types of things in the past.

Try and find the belief hidden behind this post, and your others, and you'll go a HUGE way towards overcoming this disorder.

For me, my belief in the past was that I had some hidden problem. It was maybe an illness, or a condition, or even just my body starting to screw up. The idea changed regularly, but the belief that I had a hidden problem was always there, creating these ideas and these thoughts.

Always gave me the feeling I had to be doing something to heal myself, or find out if it was real or not, and what it actually was, if indeed it was real. I was always pretty tense, and never really relaxed, which would be pretty obvious given the situation.

I never saw it though for a long time, and got very concerned about numerous things my body did. Had an unhappy few years. When writing in a diary one day, I noticed this theme crept up a lot. It was clearly a hidden belief I had, and as we all know, your beliefs shape your reality.

I wrote all the evidence for and against this belief, as well as trying to understand why I believed it, and if I always believed it, or just some of the time. That loosened it a little, but only just a little. As weeks passed, I carried a notebook around, and wrote down all my doubts, as well as counter statements to these doubts. I also wrote an affirmation which I read regularly 'I am becoming healthier and more relaxed'

As time went on, I felt far greater peace. I begun to work on some others attached to my self worth,and self esteem, and again saw the same positive changes. I would never have changed though, until I changed a few faulty beliefs dominating my psyche.

Try and find yours and then weaken the belief, change it, and put something good in there. Create an environment in your mind that promotes peace. If you need a little help working it out, let me know.

09-03-2013, 07:29 AM
Thank you! I'm just worried about all these symptoms I'm experiencing that I never have before :( I do feel a lot more worry than I used too its only started since my son was 2 month old.. I'm just sick of the symptoms making me feel down if only they'd go away I'd feel good! I am trying to stop myself googling every time I get a new symptom...