View Full Version : Please don't laugh!

09-02-2013, 09:10 PM
Ok so this is an ANXIETY forum so I come to you guys with all my anxieties, no matter how crazy they may be.... That being said I'm having serious anxiety over the whole issue going on in Syria and being afraid that here in the US we will go to war, like World War III or something. It seriously has me anxious and scared. Any thoughts?

09-02-2013, 09:12 PM
Don't watch the news. I personally can't take it. I leave it to my husband to fill me in on the facts, and he'll leave out the scary stuff. :)

09-02-2013, 09:14 PM
Don't watch the news. I personally can't take it. I leave it to my husband to fill me in on the facts, and he'll leave out the scary stuff. :)

I don't ever watch it.. Just read something someone said on Facebook ugh :(

09-02-2013, 09:17 PM
Ugh. Facebook. So many triggers on there. But like you, I still get on it. Although I try to just skim through. I think I spend too much time on it....

09-02-2013, 09:20 PM
Ugh. Facebook. So many triggers on there. But like you, I still get on it. Although I try to just skim through. I think I spend too much time on it....

Yeah it was actually on my Facebook group I'm in that's a bunch of ladies that we all had babies in November 2012 they were all talking about it

09-02-2013, 09:33 PM
I've quit watching the news too, all they do is stir up shit

09-02-2013, 09:38 PM
Ugh. Facebook. So many triggers on there. But like you, I still get on it. Although I try to just skim through. I think I spend too much time on it....

It does trigger things. Especially if you get ignored when others don't. Stuff like that. This forum can be that way too lol watch out!

09-02-2013, 09:56 PM
It does trigger things. Especially if you get ignored when others don't. Stuff like that. This forum can be that way too lol watch out!

Haha yeah any social media can be that way unfortunately

09-02-2013, 10:00 PM
I highly doubt we'll be sucked into a war. I believe rational minds will prevail, but even if they don't, it's of no use to worry over it too much and get yourself worked up. I used to get worked up by so much crap in the news AND on Facebook that I finally just had to start limiting my exposure to all the negativity. Some people on Facebook can really aggravate anxiety in many ways...either by bitching about everything, raising a scare about everything or by painting an untruthful picture of how much better and exciting their life is than yours. The last one really bothers me the most. I know most people don't cavort on every beach around the world while eating fancy meals with a perfect family and tons of friends every day. I think some people get caught up in trying to portray the perfect life they wish they had on social media.

09-02-2013, 10:09 PM
I highly doubt we'll be sucked into a war. I believe rational minds will prevail, but even if they don't, it's of no use to worry over it too much and get yourself worked up. I used to get worked up by so much crap in the news AND on Facebook that I finally just had to start limiting my exposure to all the negativity. Some people on Facebook can really aggravate anxiety in many ways...either by bitching about everything, raising a scare about everything or by painting an untruthful picture of how much better and exciting their life is than yours. The last one really bothers me the most. I know most people don't cavort on every beach around the world while eating fancy meals with a perfect family and tons of friends every day. I think some people get caught up in trying to portray the perfect life they wish they had on social media.

You couldn't be more correct about the people acting like they have perfect lives on Facebook!

09-02-2013, 10:19 PM
Lol! It's true. I'm not sure what fuels some people's need to portray themselves as super-human with perfect lives. I found myself falling into the trap of feeling like a loser, that my life was much less successful than so many others. After grousing about it and feeling depressed, I finally read a great article that talks about how people are inclined to exaggerate and stretch the truth on social sites like Facebook. In other words, if it sounds like bullshit, it probably is. The simple solution for me was to unfriend or block out of my newsfeed all the people who constantly presented an inflated version of their "perfect" lives. And that's when I began to enjoy staying connected with friends who live far away again.