View Full Version : New Here

09-02-2013, 03:35 PM
I'm in my late 20s and I've had anxiety and depression my entire life. Things were slowly improving but the past 2 years have been a harsh relapse.

Looking back on my life I realize I am a very unstable and degenerate person. Cannot hold job, schooling, relationships. Very weak and troubled.

Finance problems are starting to pile up. Went through, and still going through, very bad cancer treatment this year. Have no clue how I'm going to get my life back in order.

My problem is I don't have anyone. So I have no support. That's why I've joined here. I just want to find a place to belong and find support and give support in return. If I told anyone in real life the kind of behavioral oddities I've be subjected to I would truly disturb that person with my sickening situation. (Panic and very troubling cognitive distortions.)

I hope I'm welcome here.

09-02-2013, 11:41 PM
Hi Degenerate. Welcome! I'm really sorry you're feeling so bad emotionally, and going through cancer treatment as well. That must be really tough.

I'm glad you decided to join an online support forum because it can really help to feel less alone when we connect with people who are dealing with similar issues. I hope you find support here.

09-03-2013, 01:19 AM
Hi Degenerate (though I don't really want to call you that!)
I am new here to the forum too, and find it very welcoming. I hope you do to. You have a lot going on, as you already know! One day at a time. We get overwhelmed by the enormity of our issues, but my advice is to break it down into manageable pieces. One day at a time. One thing one day at a time. What do you want for yourself? Cause now you got support off your list...we are here.

09-03-2013, 06:17 AM
Welcome! I am sorry to hear you are having such a rough time. The cancer treatment alone must be very stressful. I think you made a good choice by joining this forum and hope you find the support you need.

09-03-2013, 08:14 AM
Welcome degen!! Alankay

09-06-2013, 12:08 AM
I'm in my late 20s and I've had anxiety and depression my entire life. Things were slowly improving but the past 2 years have been a harsh relapse.

Looking back on my life I realize I am a very unstable and degenerate person. Cannot hold job, schooling, relationships. Very weak and troubled.

Finance problems are starting to pile up. Went through, and still going through, very bad cancer treatment this year. Have no clue how I'm going to get my life back in order.

My problem is I don't have anyone. So I have no support. That's why I've joined here. I just want to find a place to belong and find support and give support in return. If I told anyone in real life the kind of behavioral oddities I've be subjected to I would truly disturb that person with my sickening situation. (Panic and very troubling cognitive distortions.)

I hope I'm welcome here.

Welcome to the Forum, hope you make good friends on here like I have. When I first started any reply I got used to make me feel better.
It sounds like you are having a really rough time at the moment, I hope that from reading posts on here you can get some help.