View Full Version : Periods.. Skipped beats??

09-02-2013, 12:15 PM
Can periods cause skipped heart beats? No palpitations, at a steady 70 bpm and got a skipped beat

09-02-2013, 02:29 PM
***********************NOT A DOCTOR*****************************8

Are you trying to clarify that these "skipped beats" are not palpitations? Do you mean you know the difference for yourself?

You basically have premature atrial contractions (PAC's) and premature ventricle contractions (PVC's). Premature electrical signals cause the heart to contract before it completely fills. This is usually followed by a harder contraction giving the impression of a missed beat.

It was driving my anxiety through the roof, so I went to the doc for an EKG reading. Everything was normal. Most of the time it is. The electrical signals in our bodies are very sensitive and sometimes they experience disruptions.

If you're worried go to the doctor and have this done.

09-02-2013, 02:38 PM
Hi, I have had around 6 standard ECG, and 1 24 hour ECG and they where all okay.

Yes my heart skips beats even when it isn't going very fast, but I am feeling anxious..
Is this something to worry about? Or can anxiety do this?

09-02-2013, 02:42 PM
Same here.. one strong skipped heart beat sensation sent me to the ER. I had EKG, Chest X-ray,and full blood work All came back normal and they sent me home with palpitations discharge papers.

09-02-2013, 03:25 PM
Hi, I have had around 6 standard ECG, and 1 24 hour ECG and they where all okay.

Yes my heart skips beats even when it isn't going very fast, but I am feeling anxious..
Is this something to worry about? Or can anxiety do this?

Hi, I have had around 6 standard ECG, and 1 24 hour ECG and they where all okay.

Yes my heart skips beats even when it isn't going very fast, but I am feeling anxious..
Is this something to worry about? Or can anxiety do this?

Boy, can anxiety ever do it. But yes, anxiety can have quite a profound effect on human physiology. Here's a list of somethings that can cause palpitations:

1. smoking (anything)
2. caffeine
3. stress
4. anxiey
5. alcohol
6. panic disorder
7. nicotine
8. fever
9. excessive/strenuous exercise
10. strong emotional responses (crying, intense anger, etc.)
11. medications (my asthma inhaler gives me palps)
12. stimulants
13. hormonal changes
14. other problems within the body

This is just your garden variety of causes when it comes to heart palpitations, but I'm sure there are many more.

Any one of these things can cause heart palpitations. Go through the list and see what coincides with you. Of course, I don't know anyone who doesn't have at least one of these.

Number 14 on the list can be the most elusive, however. Next time you go to the doc, get a routine blood test or something done. Also, maybe check up on your thyroid. I don't know how old you are.

09-02-2013, 03:32 PM
Boy, can anxiety ever do it. But yes, anxiety can have quite a profound effect on human physiology. Here's a list of somethings that can cause palpitations:

1. smoking (anything)
2. caffeine
3. stress
4. anxiey
5. alcohol
6. panic disorder
7. nicotine
8. fever
9. excessive/strenuous exercise
10. strong emotional responses (crying, intense anger, etc.)
11. medications (my asthma inhaler gives me palps)
12. stimulants
13. hormonal changes
14. other problems within the body

This is just your garden variety of causes when it comes to heart palpitations, but I'm sure there are many more.

Any one of these things can cause heart palpitations. Go through the list and see what coincides with you. Of course, I don't know anyone who doesn't have at least one of these.

Number 14 on the list can be the most elusive, however. Next time you go to the doc, get a routine blood test or something done. Also, maybe check up on your thyroid. I don't know how old you are.

Hi again,

From the list I have anxiety which I've had for just over one year, haven't had an attack for around 7 months but still get the anxiety. I have a lot of stress, crying and anger at home...
I don't drink alcohol or smoke anything.
I have had a full blood count and possibly every single blood test done I could ever think of before doctors over ruled it was anxiety.

I am 17 years old

Going back to my original post, 'skipped/jolt heart beats' can they happen CAUSED BY ANXIETY when you are resting, and you're heart isn't racing? Is that possible with anxiety?

09-02-2013, 04:52 PM
Yes they can /are caused by anxiety, I can feel okay maybe just a little nervous but nothing bad then bam out of nowhere my heart skips or flutters and I feel shaky and weak and terrible for a while ive also had tests and been told this is anxiety do the answer is YES x

09-02-2013, 05:25 PM
Absolutely! I have had these off and in for years! They get really bad around my menstrual cycle. I've been pretty anxious this last month and have had skipped beats like crazy! They are making me more anxious. They are VERY common with stress and anxiety.

09-05-2013, 01:48 PM
Hi again,

From the list I have anxiety which I've had for just over one year, haven't had an attack for around 7 months but still get the anxiety. I have a lot of stress, crying and anger at home...
I don't drink alcohol or smoke anything.
I have had a full blood count and possibly every single blood test done I could ever think of before doctors over ruled it was anxiety.

I am 17 years old

Going back to my original post, 'skipped/jolt heart beats' can they happen CAUSED BY ANXIETY when you are resting, and you're heart isn't racing? Is that possible with anxiety?

Going back to your original post...yes, they happen when you are resting and that's when you tend to notice. There's nothing more terrifying, shocking, or jarring than sitting in your recliner with some nice chamomile tea watching hummingbirds and listening to Enya when your chest is all of a sudden thwopped by a palpitation or series of them. Kind of a buzz kill.

Resting palpitations are the worst and they seem to happen ONLY when you're resting and at peace...at least for me, and it seems you too.

09-05-2013, 03:11 PM
Going back to your original post...yes, they happen when you are resting and that's when you tend to notice. There's nothing more terrifying, shocking, or jarring than sitting in your recliner with some nice chamomile tea watching hummingbirds and listening to Enya when your chest is all of a sudden thwopped by a palpitation or series of them. Kind of a buzz kill.

Resting palpitations are the worst and they seem to happen ONLY when you're resting and at peace...at least for me, and it seems you too.

Thank you very very much for you're reply!

09-09-2013, 02:35 PM
Thank you very very much for you're reply!

You're so very welcome! Keep us updated on your status!