View Full Version : Strangest place you've had a panic attack...

09-02-2013, 10:35 AM
This thread is intended to be lighthearted and different.
I thought maybe we could discuss the strangest/most embarassing place that we have had panic attacks.
Situations and descriptions welcome. :)

1. Two nights ago I was asleep and dreaming. The contents of the dream arent really important, but I remember that in my dream I was in a constant state of panic. The dream was stressful and when I woke up I found that I had been crying. My pillow was wet. It wasn't drool I swear. I touched my face and yeah I had totally been crying, lol. As soon as I woke up I was stressed out...it was the middle of the night and I just felt horrible. Like I had actually had a panic attack. I think that maybe I did while I was sleeping somehow and it just didn't wake me up, so my dream turned into a constant panic attack, lol. It really screwed me up the next day though. Not only was I really tired/exausted, but I was dealing with mini attacks all day. No fun!

2. This ones super embarassing and its only happened twice thankfully. My husband and I were in the middle of...intimate times...and I had a panic attack. The first time I had one I had to make him move away from me...I felt super dizzy and a really bad pressure in my chest. The second one was a few nights ago. I didn't mention this one to him because it wasn't as bad as the first, but it was still scary.

I have panic attacks throughout the day, but omg why does it have to happen during THOSE intimate times?! Wtf anxiety?!