View Full Version : How's Your Appetite?

09-02-2013, 09:45 AM
Past 2 weeks started getting stomach aches. They're daily but intermittent. I'm no stranger to them as I once had a stomach ache lasting 3 months solid. So with past experience in mind I know that unless i'm vomitting or have bloody stools, swollen abdomen or constipation or the unspellable one beginning with "d" then Dr's aren't all that concerned.

I can't recall how my appetite was last time I had this prolonged stomach issue. But recently I feel very full very quickly when I eat. I've never thrown up but often I feel sick shortly after eating what i'd normally consider quite a small meal.

Then again recently there's been situations which have heightened my anxiety so I suppose it's understandable that the discomfort has been more prolonged and I know anxiety can affect the stomach as well as appetite. I suppose i'm just being forgetful. In all honesty it feels more like bloating and gassy. Embaressing and strangely very painful at times.

Anyways just thought i'd get my thoughts down here. See how other people get these symptoms. I drink peppermint tea as I have found it quite helpful at times.


09-02-2013, 02:03 PM
I have just read your post and feel exactly the same!!!!!I just feel full even though I have had nothing to eat!!!!!My stomach feels bloated,I have also been drinking peppermint tea!!!!
I hope it goes away soon as I am pretty fed up of it now!!!!!!