View Full Version : Seriously!?!?!?

09-01-2013, 09:23 PM
So my mom is telling me I need to learn to get over stuff and learn how to deal with stuff....... Like for real????? I deal with this horrible challenge every damn day .... " I deal" with it by getting up and holding down 2 jobs making time for my boyfriend and trying to live a normal life........ If I were to tell you about ever time I felt shitty I would meet shut up...... How the hell can't she understand???? Ughhhh

Thanks for listening

09-01-2013, 09:29 PM
Maybe your mom has not idea what you are going through? I am mom and my daughter thinks that I do not know what she goes through, which is not true. I would know more if she tried talk a bit to me. Try to look at situation from different perspective. You can not work two jobs, have family life and have time for relationship. Something must go, otherwise you are going to collapse. Good luck and calm down:))

09-01-2013, 10:51 PM
My fiancé once told me to learn to get over it. I basically laughed at him. If only people with anxiety could do that, we would all throw a celebration party!

09-02-2013, 06:14 PM
Ask him how you suppose to get over it. I could use a sound advice:)))

09-02-2013, 06:17 PM
It's easier said than done

09-02-2013, 06:45 PM
I'd love to know the magic answer too. I am in a terrible place right now with anxiety and panic attacks right now. And the meds I have been on for 2 weeks seem to make it worse. I have severe depression now too and have lost 18 pounds in 2 weeks. Zero appetite and nothing tastes good what so ever. Feel like my body is shutting down on me.

09-02-2013, 07:02 PM
I'd love to know the magic answer too. I am in a terrible place right now with anxiety and panic attacks right now. And the meds I have been on for 2 weeks seem to make it worse. I have severe depression now too and have lost 18 pounds in 2 weeks. Zero appetite and nothing tastes good what so ever. Feel like my body is shutting down on me.

What kind of meds are you on? My meds (Lexapro) took about 4 weeks to start working and not making me feel like poop. And it wasn't a magical "oh, my anxiety is gone" moment. It's just little things I'm able to do again. I still have my anxious moments too, but 75% I'm much better feeling.