View Full Version : When anyone has a panic attacks what do u feel?

09-01-2013, 09:05 PM
Hey guys for everyone on here i wanna start a list of panic attack symptoms becuz everyone gets different ones so list them to help others. Mine are discomfort pain by the heart with sharp pains...sometimes arm numbness on the left and off balance sometimes too... Lets keep this list going

09-01-2013, 09:09 PM
Mine starts with me noticing my heart rate is up then ill check it, it continues to climb because I'm checking it. Then I check my blood pressure it is high because I am worked up and I keep checking it till its through the roof. I'm dizzy nauseated feel faint get a warm sensation in center of chest then heart palps fear of drying fear of not seeing my family again irrational thinking extreme mind bending fear jittery and shaky on the inside .....

09-01-2013, 09:33 PM
My heart rate goes up, so the blood pressure. I feel shaky and jittery inside. My hands are shaking. My eyes do not focus correctly. I can not talk or think......and fear of course...

09-01-2013, 10:47 PM
I get chest pain, palpitations, fast heart rate, headaches, light headed, blurry spots, neck pains, heavy chest, feeling of impending doom, feeling like I need to keep moving (flight response), numb left side of my body...it changes all the time!

09-02-2013, 07:16 AM
Heart races and thumps in head and chest, breathlessness, restless energy, dizzy, sense of impending doom, floor feels like its moving.

09-02-2013, 08:27 AM
sense of impending doom, racing thoughts, shallow breathing, shaking, heart racing, loss of appetite, feeling my throat is closing

09-02-2013, 09:56 AM
All Panic Attacks:
-Racing Thoughts
-Extreme dizziness
-Cannot catch a breath
-Stomach trouble (generally feeling like I need to use the bathroom)
-Strange sensation in chest
-Feel very sleepy
-Feel very warm

Occasional Panic Attacks-
-Chest pain
-Arms feel numb
-Feeling like I have to make myself breathe properly
-Fear of losing control of my emotions
-Fear of dying
-Fear that doctors missed something
-Afraid of being alone
-Afraid of being in public
-Very heavy pressure feeling around the crown of my head
-Closing my eyes makes me feel like I'm drunk...things start to spin slightly and I feel very weak

Those are just SOME of the things. The top list is what happens during the "usual" panic attacks...sometimes other symptoms happen, but not as frequent.
The second list is basically what happens if I have a bigger panic attack.

My panic attacks range from mild to severe. Mostly they stay at mild. I have multiple panic attacks everyday and the more I have the worse they get.

09-02-2013, 10:06 AM
Well all have different symptoms atleast we put a list together then everyone will know what are most of the symptoms when we have those small attacks that it aint a life threathing thing that we are okay its all the anxiety causing this thanks guys hope theres more to be added to the list so we can help everyone on here so they dont fear anymore!

09-02-2013, 10:21 AM
hey im new here. my job is a hairdresser and anxiety makes my job very difficult. Until two years ago I was confident and bubbly, iv always been a worrier but then anxiety took a hold of me! I feel like the world is out to get me, heart starts racing, numb legs and arms feeling like im going to collapse and cant stand up. shaking uncontrollably, eye sight goes! forget to breath, lips go numb! fear im going to die or someone in my family will. feeling like I have an illness and the doctors have it all wrong and I don't really have anxiety but something underlying. seeing an ambulance freaks me out big time! usualy have a panic attack when im driving, think its fear of having a panic attack before I get home!

09-02-2013, 02:58 PM
Its all the anxiety causes it what i do is let it stay for a mins then i tell it to go away and little by little it goes but sometimes i hate it becuz it lasts a long time sometimes but im starting cbt therapy this week becuz im tired of it 6 yrs of this bs enuff is enuff now so u should really think of cbt therapy alot of highly recommend it alot of people got rid of it so im on my way to do it as well be strong and hang in there!!

09-02-2013, 04:06 PM
Heaviness in chest.
Rapid breathing.
Jittery and nervous tension.
Paralyzing fear with complete internal agony.
Feel like I'm cracking up, want to laugh or cry or just mumble in order to release sudden emotional build up.

10-18-2013, 06:24 PM
Jaw pain. Heart paps. Chills. Left side pain. Headaches. Dizziness. Nausea. Chest pain. Heartburn. Depersonalization. Fave numbness. Jitters. Tremor. Electric shock feeling. Feel like I can't think or talk

10-18-2013, 07:03 PM
Jaw pain. Heart paps. Chills. Left side pain. Headaches. Dizziness. Nausea. Chest pain. Heartburn. Depersonalization. Fave numbness. Jitters. Tremor. Electric shock feeling. Feel like I can't think or talk

I had one of these last night.....worst I've had in a while.It even kind of carried over into today. I didn't sleep all last night.

10-18-2013, 07:54 PM
Racing Thoughts
Rapid Breathing
Increased heart rate
Fear of dying

My panic attacks usually last 5 to 10 minutes. The anxiety that causes them is usually a bit longer. I'm working on making new coping skills to deal with them. One things for sure, it's good to know I'm not alone. I really used to think I was the only one in the world with these problems

10-18-2013, 08:09 PM
I feel like nothing is real. I only really know what it feels like when I'm having a panic attack.

10-19-2013, 05:40 AM
Everyone's symptoms of panic/ anxiety attacks are different. I once knew someone who would faint when she had them.
For me at attack can last minutes to a couple of hours. My longest was over a day... Was insane.

I get tight chest, rapid breathing, my mind races and I can't think straight, I may cry, I have self harmed mainly in cutting, I'll drink more to calm myself, feel detached, become agoraphobic, confused and headache --- mainly.

I have made actually an entire section on my phone with relaxing music, games and meditation which helps most of the time. I've scoured the App Store for them.
Google your device and 'relaxing app' or 'relaxing game'.

10-19-2013, 06:10 PM
I get a heavy chest or pains, palpitations, tingling arms or legs and sometimes face, hard to catch my breath, dizzy, back and shoulder aches....hot and feeling of suffocating. Racing thoughts mainly of dying or fainting.

Is it normal to not have so many attacks, instead just having worry all day so some of these symptoms are almost there a lot. When I think about them more they get worse. Just seems I don't have an attack and it's gone within 20 mins. Feels like some days they are all day off and on

10-19-2013, 06:15 PM
I get a heavy chest or pains, palpitations, tingling arms or legs and sometimes face, hard to catch my breath, dizzy, back and shoulder aches....hot and feeling of suffocating. Racing thoughts mainly of dying or fainting.

Is it normal to not have so many attacks, instead just having worry all day so some of these symptoms are almost there a lot. When I think about them more they get worse. Just seems I don't have an attack and it's gone within 20 mins. Feels like some days they are all day off and on

You're not alone. This is typically how I feel. I don't normally end up having a panic until unless I keep having racing thoughts and then keep thinking negative.

10-20-2013, 08:36 PM
My hands shake, I feel shaky and jittery inside, I get a tightness in my chest, feel restless, hyperventilate, and I get an overwhelming feeling of the need to escape.

10-21-2013, 02:37 AM
Chest Pains
Light head
Sick feeling
The feeling of dread in my stomach which results in needing the toliet.
Fear of impending doom
Detatched from reality
Shortness of breath
Heart raching
Heart paps
Pain in arms or neck
Sore head
Lots more but they're the main ones

10-21-2013, 05:16 PM
Increased heart rate, the feeling that my throat is closing, shortness of breath, feelings of dread fear and doom, convulsions, and the worst one: the terrible pain ripping through your body as a response to tell you something's not right.

10-21-2013, 05:24 PM
Pounding, racing heart beat, sweating, hyperventilating, definitely the feelings of dread, fear and impending doom, queasy stomach, feeling like I'm in a dream, chest pains, dizziness like I'm going to pass out any second--I either get them all at once or some of them some time, you know, just a good well rounded variety just to keep each panic attack special and interesting.

10-21-2013, 05:26 PM
Pounding, racing heart beat, sweating, hyperventilating, definitely the feelings of dread, fear and impending doom, queasy stomach, feeling like I'm in a dream, chest pains, dizziness like I'm going to pass out any second--I either get them all at once or some of them some time, you know, just a good well rounded variety just to keep each panic attack special and interesting.

Does anyone get jittery teeth???

10-22-2013, 07:37 AM
I get huge rushes of adrenaline that make me feel like I need to hold on to something, then my pupils dilate and the derealization kicks in. From then on its just a huge downwards spiral of me thinking I'm dying and the usual thoughts are "this is it" "it's not a panic attack it's whatever underlying illness I have that the doctors have missed killing me now" "I'm actually going to die" "I'm going to pass out" etc etc

10-23-2013, 01:27 AM
I get a heavy chest or pains, palpitations, tingling arms or legs and sometimes face, hard to catch my breath, dizzy, back and shoulder aches....hot and feeling of suffocating. Racing thoughts mainly of dying or fainting. Is it normal to not have so many attacks, instead just having worry all day so some of these symptoms are almost there a lot. When I think about them more they get worse. Just seems I don't have an attack and it's gone within 20 mins. Feels like some days they are all day off and on

Same. Sometimes I just subconsciously start making myself panic and the attack comes on. But since I have physical pain everyday I can't tell the difference sometimes