View Full Version : Alcohol and Anxiety

09-01-2013, 08:31 PM
I'm just wondering who else here who has anxiety and/or panic disorders also use alcohol to help wind down. I don't get wasted drunk, and mostly stick to wine as it relaxes me, but I have 2-3 drinks every night.. Once a week maybe 5. I take celexa ( low dose) and klonopin/ Ativan at night mostly. My anxiety is usually highest at night. My husband says I'm an alcoholic, and is worried my drinking is too much especially mixed with my meds. But I don't get stumbling drunk nor do I do recreational drugs. I don't see it as a problem... And don't see myself getting out of control with alcohol. Plus I rarely drink during the day.. And rarely drink in front of my children ( who are 3 and 5 years old), unless its a glass of wine with dinner.
Is anyone else like this? Where they drank moderately but often and as a way to calm anxiety? Anyone else in a relationship and have this as an issue brought up?
Does this sound like a problem?
I know you're not supposed to mix the meds and alcohol, but I have always liked my wine. Quit smoking cigs 10 years ago... Quit recreational drugs 6 years ago.
Is my husband overeacting? Or me??

09-01-2013, 09:25 PM
Alcohol and meds do not mix. Alcohol and children do not mix. I know from my own life that alcohol initially calms u down but on the long term it causes panic attacks and anxiety. You said you rarely drink in front of your children, you not suppose to drink in front of your children. I was a single mother and for 8 years I did not touch alcohol to give my children a good example. I had never seen them drunk. They do not drink. At the same time you quit smoking that's awesome. Maybe I am wrong but I think you should not continue drinking it will make you worse.

09-02-2013, 03:25 AM
I know that you should not mix alcohol and medication. But don't binge drink. And my children do not see me drink- have never seen me drunk. Around the time I quit cigs I started college and was getting away from the party scene which I was big into at that time. I used to cope with my PTSD and anxiety with self medicating.... So I was on a downward spiral with those things and I'm far from that now.
Alcohol is a depressant but I don't have that as a prevalent issue.
Yes... I would like to not drink as often and use it as a crutch. It's not how much I drink but how often.
But would you go as far as to day I'm an alcoholic? That is war bothers me--- when my husband says that. Btw he smokes around a pack of cigs a day. But he says I can't compare his smoking to my drinking, because he's addicted to smoking cigs.

09-02-2013, 03:26 AM
Alcohol and anxiety don't mix. I used to do the same thing myself but I had to give it up since it made everything worse after a while. I have one or two beers a week and that's about it.

09-02-2013, 11:40 AM
I always find after binge drinking my anxiety is worse for the days to follow! im going to quit drinking for the mean time. also I was using wine on an evening to unwind after work, I had to stop this as I thought it could easily become a habit (bad one) to control my anxiety!

09-02-2013, 12:49 PM
I don't want to make you feel bad, but alcohol is a problem. Especially the fact that you're on medication.
If your husband (who is with you in person) sees a problem then do not ignore it.
Also trying to find a reason to justify the reason that you drink is a sign of a problem.

My mother was an alcoholic...she started out with just a few drinks and eventually had no problem drinking an entire bottle by herself.
Looking to alcohol as a crutch or temporary relief is not good. You should stop drinking before it gets too bad.

09-02-2013, 12:50 PM
I agree with what the others have said. I used to use alcohol as well. I would drink every day, up to a bottle of wine. It definitely helped my anxiety while I was drinking. But I'd have frequent hangovers and it made me feel worse overall. I wasn't a binge drinker, I just drank a lot of wine pretty much every day. But I could still function perfectly well and held down a demanding job. In some ways I functioned better than I do now because my anxiety didn't hold me back. But it just isn't good to drink that much and it made my depression worse in the long run. So I went to the doctor and started anti-depressants. One unexpected by-product of that was that the anti-depressants killed any desire to drink alcohol. Almost overnight I just completely lost the taste/desire whatever it is for alcohol. I have tried drinking since because I kind of miss the instant gratification that alcohol gave me, but it just doesn't work for me anymore. I don't get that pleasant buzz, and it doesn't have any effect on my mood. And it doesn't even taste good anymore. So I haven't drunk alcohol in years now.

Alcohol is a tricky one though. So many people drink heavily that it's almost considered normal. The drinking of wine especially is really glorified.Honestly, I think the fact that you admit that you're using alcohol as a crutch shows there is a bit of a problem. Also, as others have said, the alcohol is probably messing with your meds. I don't think it matters so much whether you fit the label "alcoholic", I think the point is whether or not there is some problem with your alcohol consumption. And it seems there is.

09-02-2013, 03:06 PM
*************NOT A DOCTOR*********************

In some studies I've read, 1-3 drinks (depending on the tolerance and/or metabolism of the person) can have a somewhat sedative/calming effect on a patient similar to that of a benzo or muscle relaxer. As far as the low dose of Celexa goes, I drank negligible amounts of alcohol at times on Lexapro and didn't have any adverse effects. Doctors do advise against this due to the antagonizing effects of alcohol on SSRI's that can create anxiety and panic.

HOWEVER... <-------------------------------

Both Klonopin AND Ativan are heavy medications that are uber sensitive to alcohol. I would so strongly dis-advise against the use of alcohol with these two medications that the imagery of my post should elicit that of me vigorously shaking you while slapping you in the face back and forth (think "Airplane!"). You are already on two pretty strong sedatives and adding alcohol can be dangerous.

I went through benzodiazepine (Xanax) withdrawal a few years ago and had to taper off for 5 months. The body can become quickly dependent on benzodiazepine which includes Klonopin and Ativan. Anxiety can get worse overtime due to interdose withdrawal which is what I had. I would strongly advise exploring your anxiety and how you're feeling. If you're not getting better, somethings not working. Ativan has a very short half life, so I'm guessing its for sleep but Klonopin's half life can be 1-2 days.

Assess, what's going on and if you're getting better but DO NOT drink alcohol with these meds anymore.