View Full Version : A little Help Needed Please :) !

11-11-2007, 02:57 PM
Hello :)

Were to start :? .

Well I have been to the doctors endless amouts off times over the last 9 month , And thier keep saying i have anxiety . I have had blood tests done and thier have alsl come back clear

Here are some off the stuff that has been happening to me:

* Feeling Tired , Run down all the time !
* Feelings in head such as, Dull ache at the front, Shooting pains at the sides, Feeling like thierz a clot, Head tightness and numbness
* Episodes that last about half an hour , Were a'll go dead hot, shake uncontrabley, Heart rate increases, Throat feels sore and slighty tight, My bodys gunna shut down.
* Feeling Sick
* Itchy
* Like am having to make my self breathe
* I get a hot red rash all over my face cheast back and arms
And more ..

Does this happen to anyone else?
I just dont understand why this is happening to me
And is this anxiety? Or something else
Help Please :) ..

I always dont understand why this is happening if it is anxiety because am a happy 17 year old girl, with a loving boyfreind, loads of freinds, and a lovley family .. :oops:


11-11-2007, 06:33 PM

Apart from the rash, then yes I have had all those symptoms and they have been caused by anxiety. Some people do develop rashes through stress but I never have.

Do you feel overly stressed or afraid at times when there is really nothing to worry about?


11-12-2007, 01:47 AM
Hi thanks for replying .

& Yeah i do feel afraid for no reason at all sometime . Or A'll be worrying why i have a head ache or what ever :cry: . I wish it would go away .

11-12-2007, 02:07 AM

Yes, I'm afraid it's a vicious circle - stress and anxiety have physical effects on your body and these physical effects cause further worry.

You have to remember that all these physical symptoms have a biological reason behind them and if the fear was real, you wouldn't find them strange. Unfortunately, the subconscious mind doesn't know the difference between real danger and imagined danger so it fires all your biological defence mechanisms.

The physical effects of anxiety are no more strenuous than having a run round the block in most cases and, in the nine years I have had problems with anxiety, I have had just about every kind of physical symptom you could imagine but none of them are harmful and I'm still fit as a fiddle nine years later - so try not to let them worry you.

Best of luck

Chris x