View Full Version : I need some proven advise please!!!

09-01-2013, 05:57 PM
Battling anxiety 2 1/2 years now. The attacks are getting worse. Some days I take up to 5 Ativan (0,5mg) (those are on extremely bad days) . The other day I was at my sons ball game my heart rate went up to 160. I was about to lose it but managed to calm down after taking Ativan all day. I'm not a fan of being on anxiety meds daily because of side effects but I'm at my wits end. Why can I be perfectly normal then boom, heart rate goes to 100 and stays there for hours. Everyone insists its anxiety. I've been to cardiologist counselor regular doctor and all agree its anxiety. Now I am crying everyday at the drop of a hat and I just don't know what to do. Please help me

09-01-2013, 06:11 PM
You have to stop worrying about your heart, your heart rate, your blood pressure, your sanity and start fighting the real problem. The real problem is your fear. Stand up to the fear. You have to make yourself fearless and say, "Fuck you anxiety, I'm not scared of you or the symptoms you give me anymore." You have to push back against it, and stop being bullied by your amygdala and your adrenaline. Whatever your triggers are, do it. Whatever you're afraid of, do it. You have to take your power back.

09-01-2013, 06:25 PM
You have to stop worrying about your heart, your heart rate, your blood pressure, your sanity and start fighting the real problem. The real problem is your fear. Stand up to the fear. You have to make yourself fearless and say, "Fuck you anxiety, I'm not scared of you or the symptoms you give me anymore." You have to push back against it, and stop being bullied by your amygdala and your adrenaline. Whatever your triggers are, do it. Whatever you're afraid of, do it. You have to take your power back.

By taking this approach, should I avoid being put on a daily anxiety med? I just want my life back, nothing more, nothing less. My kids are even noticing my battle And it breaks my heart

09-01-2013, 08:08 PM
Blessed why wont you take meds ???

I've tried lexapro Prozac Wellbutrin Paxil and all side effects are same , severe weight gain and no sex drive. I'm so scared my husband will leave me if I deprive him of things. Plus the head zaps dizzyness and out of body symptoms don't help much. I'm ready to try anything to get my life back I'm just scared

09-01-2013, 08:37 PM
How long did you try them all for . Were the symptoms at the start or after you stopped .

Some for couple months some for over a year, the weight gain and no sex drive were from the beginning. The withdrawal symptoms were on all of them and very debilitating. There's got to be something I can do or try

09-01-2013, 08:40 PM
so you want to chat . Be quicker i think


09-01-2013, 08:57 PM
Do I go to private message?

09-01-2013, 09:38 PM
Bottom, right side, click who is on line and click on person name you want to chat:)

09-02-2013, 03:32 AM
I think different medications work differently on e everyone. I have taken Paxil, Effexor, cipralex and now trying Celexa. I have to take it at night, because when I first started to take it in the day I was getting drowsy during the day.and every medication has its side effects. And often it takes 1-2 months of taking a medication until you see it's effects more and less unwanted side effects. Btw Paxil was the WORST to come off of- went through wicked withdrawals for anyone taking that medication.
I find taking clonaxapam or lorazapam when needed helps a lot.
I've also been trying meditation recently, and have calming apps on my phone- with calming music : water pond, dolphins, calm music an this forum :)

09-02-2013, 10:25 AM
Maybe your doctor should put you on an extended release medication. I took Xanax XR and it worked wonders for me. I didn't have to feel loopy like normal xanax makes me feel and since I had a constant dose of it in me I never really felt out of sorts.
Your doctor should be able to work with you and get you on a dose that is right for you. Its generally trial and error with the dosage.
Some side effects suck, but they can be managed. I never experienced lack of sex drive with Xanax XR and I didn't gain weight.