View Full Version : NO panic attacks-extreme fear of the future.READ IT PLEASE

11-11-2007, 04:51 AM
guys plz help. What really frightens is that i dont have panic attacks but extreme anger. Its insane. Am i insane? i scream amd i can't go outside in the fear of seeing someone i know and asks me " oh where have been? why you stopped going to the university? Why this , why that...."

This extreme situation is going on for 2,5 months now so as you realise i am still at the point that everyone is curious about how i am and they ALL invite me somewhere, to cinemas, to parties, to have lunch and i am constanly avoiding it.

now i know that these things is a common thing in this forum.But what i want to ask is if someone was at a state where i am now and managed to cope with it. ie: NO panic attacks bur a constant fear of the future

NOT being able to do the slightest thing: not only to concentrate but COMPLETELY nothing. Days in the bed. Confusion.Anxiety.i cant talk for nothing else but my problem. And i dont have someone that can stand me but my parents, this means i dont have a husband, because if i had it would mean that i have "life", even a life that sucked. But here i am, 22, distroying all the thing i struggled to obtain: friends, and entrance to the university.

Has anyone ever felt SOOOOO bad and then managed to cope with it and have a - so callesd - "normal life?"

11-12-2007, 02:31 AM
hey pessima

sorry to hear your struggling at the moment, i know how scary, annoying and uttly draining this can all be. but dont worry you can pull yourself from this. ive never really suffered from panic attacks either, i had one right at the begining of my anxiety problem but that was a year and a half ago now and havnt had one since, so its very common for people to suffer from bad anxiety but no panic attacks.
also your not going insane, trust me, its just your pure frustration and biwilderment at your illness. ive thought im going insane hundreds of times, ive worried about scitzophrenia, severe depression, what if i killed people, what if i went crazy and became a nutter who had no friends or life but these are all classic anxiety worries that can be dealt with aslong as you understand you illness and treat it in the correct way.
now my advice to you is to get two books that have done wonders for me and by the sound of your symptoms could really help you aswell. the two books are "essential help for your nerves" by dr claire weekes, this is considered pretty much the bible when it comes to anxiety and how to recover. and another book which has helped me alot is "a life at last" by paul david, he also has a web site which is excellent, if you go to google and type in paul david and anxiety you'll be able to find it.
i know your feeling awful at the moment but trust me it can get alot better, get those books and use the methods they teach you, they've helped me get through so much.
let me know how it goes and if you ever wanna chat msg me here or in a private msg
good luck

11-14-2007, 05:56 AM
thanx monster

i m trying to cope with this situation and i am determined to end it once and for all - there's no other way

i ll try the books you recommended and as soon as i feel better i ll let you all know

11-16-2007, 03:32 PM
pessima, i hope things have improved a little over the last few days. i really think you should get some support from a gp, or from a counsellor. you say you are at university so there will surey be a student counsellor about. reading books is great, an excellent way to help yourself - but maybe you need someone to talk to face to face also. i never thought talking would help and started under duress and now realise how important it is. this coupled with some excercise (in thats your thang_), routine (boring but helps me) good diet blah blah. keep us updated on your progress!