View Full Version : What is wrong?

09-01-2013, 06:54 AM
Hello All

I have posted here as I am not sure where to go or what to do next. A brief history - in 2006 and I started getting pins and needles in my arms, face, back and legs. I also started suffering with serious insomnia and feeling very agitated. I went through the whole serious of tests - bloodwork, nerve conduction tests and culminating in an MRI scan (this whole process took nearly 2 years on the NHS here in the UK). The doctors couldn't find anything - they tried a few different meds but nothing worked. The symptoms would come for around 4 days at a time then go for 2 weeks or so. At the end of 2009 I sold my share of a business in construction (which I thought may be to blame) and got a regular job.

Things did improve considerably but it has always been there. Over the last few months though it has got significantly worse. To list my symptoms: -

Pins and Needles to the point of burning in my face, hands and feet
Waking up very early (so always tired)
Feeling very agitated
Hot Flushes

While the pins and needles are there I feel exceptionally low - they usually disappear between 11am and 3pm - the depression disappears completely with the pins and needles. They seem intertwined. After then I feel completely normal until the next morning.

It is getting to the point where I can barely hold my job down now (I missed half the week last week) - I also have a young family and it is affecting family life. I would say that I have been promoted very quickly within my job, which was a new field for me and I manage a team of people but I have never really felt the job is right for me and it can be quite high pressured although August has been very quiet.

I have a feeling everyone here is going to say this is anxiety but I am not convinced. Up until this I never have had problems with anxiety although I would say I do worry about keeping people happy at work and trying to make sure everything I do is right. Up until recently also the symptoms were slightly better on weekends and holidays but those times of relief seem to be getting less. (This would suggest it is anxiety)

I hope someone can help.



09-01-2013, 08:10 AM
I know what you mean. I feel off certain hours of the day. I was thinking maybe it's a food allergy? Could that be possible?

09-01-2013, 10:23 AM
Well it sounds like you took the appropriate steps and got yourself checked out by a doctor.
What it sounds like is you have a bit of work related anxiety and health anxiety.
Work is work...learning to seperate the two seems to be the best thing to solve that without the use of medications. You said it seems better on holidays and weekends which makes me believe that you do okay with seperating work from home. Home should always be your safe haven of sorts and you should be able to completely relax. If you find yourself struggling to do so...designate a task for you to do as soon as you walk in the front door that signifies that you're in a stress free environment. Focus on your family and how much you love them and how much you like spending time with them.
As far as health anxiety goes...just trust in your doctors. Trust that they will find anything and would have found something if it was there.

The pins and needles feeling is more than likely related to anxiety because I get the same feelings often. It is possible for panic attacks to last up to 10 minutes or even a few hours. Its also possible that you can feel the effects of a panic attack all day for multiple days. That is why it is important to try to find ways to cope with it if you're wanting to do it without medications. This forum has been a great source of information for me. Getting on here when I feel a panic attack coming helps me to forget those uncomfortable feelings and focus on something else. You're fine though. You should check out the post talking about all of the symptoms of panic attacks and then you'll see that whatever you're experiencing is anxiety and not your health. :)

I hope I helped at least a little bit. :)

09-02-2013, 08:45 AM
Thanks for the replies guys

Someone else did mention allergies to me but I have never been tested - it could be a possibility. Not long before this started I developed dermatitis on my face and scalp but I can never work out why it flares up when it does.

The problem is I can separate home life to an extent but I am finding it incredibly hard to work at the moment. I have had to call in sick this week but I really don't know where this is going to go in a weeks time.

Is it common to feel depressed during panic attacks? I feel so desperately low when I have the pins and needles and then at some point in the day it literally all just lifts like it was never there (well most days)

Cheers guys

09-02-2013, 08:58 AM
Hi xman, I have experienced depression and panic attacks together. I think with me I get frustrated with feeling anxious and stressed, so I start to get depressed. Does that make sense? Do you get racing thoughts?