View Full Version : Smokeless Tobacco for Controlling Anxiety

08-31-2013, 07:22 PM
Does anyone have any personal experience with smokeless tobacco (snuff) helping with anxiety?

For me, I was using snuff for 20 years and never had any anxiety issues. I quit back at the end of January this year and things are a miserable hell now. I have a tremendous amount of stress brought on by medical issues with my wife but my anxiety symptoms started before we found out that she had cancer.

Quitting the snuff was very hard, but I feel like this anxiety will eventually kill me and I'm tempted to start back again.... If I knew for sure that it would help. The constant nausea, tingling arms and legs, fear that I have a brain tumor, ringing in my left ear, feeling lightheaded, no appetite and the occasional panic attack is an easy trade out for the risk of mouth cancer. Any thoughts or personal experiences?