View Full Version : Advice... Help.... Anyone

08-31-2013, 04:59 PM
So I went to work this am feeling okay, started surfing google looks for answers to my symptoms and in turn caused a panic attack. I work in a hospital so I went to the er... Pulse was racing about 145 and bp was around 158/104... Had ECG done came back normal... Dr did some checks everything still normal about 2 hours after waiting bp checked again and still no change although my heart rate dropped a bit to low 100's. the dr said not to worry about my bp but just 2 weeks ago at my drs office it was 120/70.

Now I'm terrified its going to stay elevated... High bp is one of my biggest fears! Will it stay elevated? How long should it take for bp to lower?

08-31-2013, 05:07 PM
Well since it from the adrenaline it means nothing. High BP from stiff arteries or a disease process if different(but you don't have that or any pathology) so when the adrenaline and tension get lowered so will the BP. It is just reflecting you emotional state not your heart health which is fine. Alankay

08-31-2013, 05:16 PM
Well since it from the adrenaline it means nothing. High BP from stiff arteries or a disease process if different(but you don't have that or any pathology) so when the adrenaline and tension get lowered so will the BP. It is just reflecting you emotional state not your heart health which is fine. Alankay

Thank you so much for replying. I get so worried about it being high, and I could not calm down at all in the er.

I work so hard to have healthy habits to keep everything in check and when it's high I freak and feel defeated.

08-31-2013, 10:07 PM
Your worrying about it is causing it. You have to let it go. Stop googling. Stop checking your pulse and bp. Do something you enjoy.

09-02-2013, 10:33 AM
I know the feeling. Bp and pulse rate is my thing too. The second you work on relaxing your bp will go down. Don't check your bp or heart rate. It's super hard not to but eventually it won't matter to you.

09-02-2013, 02:12 PM
I know the feeling. Bp and pulse rate is my thing too. The second you work on relaxing your bp will go down. Don't check your bp or heart rate. It's super hard not to but eventually it won't matter to you.

I had actually stopped checking everything but after a panic attack I feel like it's all going to stay elevated so I start the rituals of checking again. Mind you I won't check my bp until I feel like I don't care whether its high, low or normal. I only check my pulse. Knowing I do this I have been trying to stay busy and not think about it but its tough letting go sometimes.

09-03-2013, 06:59 AM
I had actually stopped checking everything but after a panic attack I feel like it's all going to stay elevated so I start the rituals of checking again. Mind you I won't check my bp until I feel like I don't care whether its high, low or normal. I only check my pulse. Knowing I do this I have been trying to stay busy and not think about it but its tough letting go sometimes.

This is the same rut I am in. Obsessed with checking bp and heart rate many many times only to find I AM THE REASON IT IS STAYING ELEVATED. I feel like 90 percent of my health anxiety would disappear if I can overcome this obsession. So I totally understand how you feel

09-03-2013, 07:48 AM
Searching google is the worst thing. Why cuz anyone can post anything. What's better is to just write down symptoms and when you have your doc apts, you can share tour concerns and they can help you figure out the problem. For now try to find things that can distract you ex reading or watching a movie even sleeping. Eventually you will daze out and your body will calm down.