View Full Version : 7 Days on Cymbalta

08-31-2013, 01:18 PM
OK, I've been on Cymbalta for 7 days 4 at 30mg and the past 3 at 60mg. After reading all of the withdrawal symptoms on this site I'm ready to drop them. I have constant dizziness and it's not worth it. Do I need to taper after just 7 days or drop cold turkey?

The first week I had daily multiple panic attacks. I think I'm getting them under control and I don't think it's the Cymbalta that is helping. I actually think it was making them worse... Oh, I'm so dizzy, Oh no, what is wrong with my head, I'm never going to be the same, I'm going to lose my job... Yeah, you know the cycle.

I want off cymbalta. Surely I won't face side effects after 7 days. I have no concentration and I'm dizzy as can be on it.

08-31-2013, 02:07 PM
I was on Cymbalta for quite a while and never had those feelings. Maybe talk to your doctor about adjusting the dose because feeling that way isn't going to help you at all.
Also if you do want to try something different ask if you can. Ask for trials if they have any available so you can test it out first and see how the new med works rather than getting a month prescription that you wont use.
Just my suggestion. :)

As far as what you're wanting to know...I'd wean myself off just to avoid anything that could happen side effect wise. Take half of your usual dose and then slowly decrease from there.

08-31-2013, 02:09 PM
I want to add that I've taken myself off of several different medications without doctors assistance. Some I had been on for a while and some I had not.
I've done it both ways...weaning myself off and cold turkey. Nothing ever happened to me.