View Full Version : Anxiety over my pets

08-31-2013, 04:19 AM
It's been a while since I've been here, but I tend to find this website and it's friendly community really help when I get anxious. Alright, so basically, we have three pets, and they are two cats and a dog. You see, I'm eighteen now and I've practically been raised around these animals, but for my whole life practically I've been ignorant of their proper care. Sure, we fed them and cared for them, but I never knew how vital it was to brush their teeth, give them vet visits, worm them etc, and now I just feel horrible these days, I'm constantly fretting over them. I'm trying to do it better now, ordering toothpaste for them, trying to get any conditions they have sorted out, but I just feel like sometimes my parents will not listen to my requests regarding the pets. They're wonderful people, of course, it's just, I don't think they're terribly knowledgeable regarding pet care. Not to mention, we can't really afford vet visits, which makes me wonder why we have pets in the first bloody place if we can't even sort out their basic veterinary needs. I'm not sure what to do, I'm trying everything I can possibly think of, like I just ordered the toothpaste, I try to sort out any conditions they have with home remedies (usually ineffective, of course, it's just my last ditch attempt), but I don't have a job currently to make money to give them all the things they need, and like I said, my parents don't really think all this stuff is necessary and just tell me not to worry. My dog has a mild case of mange, for example, but they seem convinced that it's to do with fleas, and so we've just blown some £70 to get flea treatment done on the house this Monday. And while I'm glad they're trying to sort out the flea situation (a losing battle, it would seem, nothing EVER works on them), I just think it won't stop her itchiness. And I know what I'm talking about at least a little bit, having studied stuff like this at college, so it's just frustrating that they won't listen about the mange. They believe that if we get rid of the fleas she'll stop scratching, but it won't stop anything, I'm almost sure. And the cat's getting thin (not anorexic or anything though) and I don't know what to do anymore, I'm just sat here feeling so anxious about their health lately and regretting my stupid ignorance regarding pet care for most of my life, and just hoping to get a job so I can sort these things out properly and just wishing we could afford vet care and wishing that my parents knew more about pet care (I'm not complaining about my parents, like I said, they're wonderful people, but this does frustrate me at times). I'm considering giving up the cats to a shelter so they can be re homed if I can. It would kill me to give them up, but at least they'd go to someone who can take care of them fully. I'm just really stuck for what to do lately, and the anxiety is really pressing on me. I just don't know what to do about it all.

09-04-2013, 11:46 AM
Anyone have any suggestions for this, because it's still going on.

09-04-2013, 01:08 PM
Oh, this is sad. And definitely a big cause for concern. I'm so sorry your parents are neglecting your animal companions. Our animal friends need regular veterinary care and this is expensive. We have 4 dogs and 4 cats and they have cost us an absolute fortune over the years, but they are worth every penny! People need to be aware how expensive pets can be before they adopt animals...Mange is horrible for your dog and he needs to be treated. Can you look into some low-price veterinary clinics? Here I know they have mobile veterinary clinics which are intended for low-income households. Can you look into something like that? Honestly, I wouldn't waste money on toothpaste etc at this stage. I would put all available money into treating your dog for his mange. I really feel for you and I do hope you can help your dear doggie.

09-04-2013, 03:30 PM
Hi Okami, if you're a low income family the PDSA may be able to help out. Long ago when living at home I had my cats neutered, teeth checked, de-flea'd etc for free or really cheap. They're a charity so may be worth looking into in the future. It works out much cheaper than vets.

09-04-2013, 03:37 PM
I' m sorry you are going through all of this...i love animals! Have you tried looking for any local pet charities or associations? They might be able to help with pet care. Also, if you can find a university that has a veterinary program they might be able to help. I am sure there would be a lot of students that would love to help with pet care, it would be great experience for them.

09-04-2013, 05:47 PM
Thanks for your suggestions everyone. I am slowly getting it sorted out, I don't know how, but somehow I will convince them that she needs a vet. It's at times like this that I really wish my parents had considered these things before getting pets, but that's just the thing, I think this sort of situation happens a lot, people don't have enough information about animals and how pricy it is to keep them and end up getting pets that they can't afford. I just hope I can sort all of this soon, so that my dog can be a lot happier.

09-04-2013, 05:54 PM
It's great you're making headway with this, okami. Your dog is lucky to have someone who cares as much as you do. Good luck and let us know how things are going!

09-05-2013, 07:58 AM
Thank god, I've finally got good news. I convinced my parents about this, and they called the pdsa, and we're getting a plastic cone to stop her from chewing her back legs up and also getting some sort of antiseptic cream. This is finally being resolved, thank god. My parents do care a lot about the pets, it just sometimes takes a while to convince them of these things.

09-05-2013, 08:01 AM
Great news!!

09-06-2013, 08:24 AM
Thank god, I've finally got good news. I convinced my parents about this, and they called the pdsa, and we're getting a plastic cone to stop her from chewing her back legs up and also getting some sort of antiseptic cream. This is finally being resolved, thank god. My parents do care a lot about the pets, it just sometimes takes a while to convince them of these things.

Great stuff okami, hope it can relax you some, knowing your pets are on their way to better health. The PDSA are really good. My mums cat had her eye out after an accident, it would have cost £1300 to have it sorted at the vets. She doesn't earn much as she has health problems, so was really scared about having to have the cat put down due to not being able to afford it. Thankfully the PDSA done it for her, and she left a donation that she could afford.

Looks like both our pets are gonna be in plastic cones for a bit!