View Full Version : Heart going crazy and cant breathe.

08-31-2013, 12:09 AM
Help what am i supposed to do. I just woke up and Im feelin super anxious.

My heart is either beating super fast or i cant feel it anymore. Besides that im having trouble breathing. With every breath I take I m getting more nervours and some times i feel like i cant breathe at all.

My hands are sweaty and my stomick aches.... Im freaking out..

The days before this one I felt more anxious than normal in a while. Every minute of the day I was sure i was going to die. Yesterday evening I had my first panic attack for a while... And it was like the first ones last month and I thought I was going on, getting better step by step. And now this...

Is it normal i feel this way. And is it normal that i feel this way after my first panic attack in a while. Myself.. I'm pretty sure Ill die very soon.. Help

Ps. When i was writing this i was hot... And now im cold. Also bit light headed and headachws.. I dont wanna feeel this way. I feel like it isnt anxiety what causes this. I feel like it really is deadly... ..

I am really freaking out. Im shaking. And I'm alone right now and I don't know what to do. I don't want this to be the end.

08-31-2013, 01:51 AM
Help, im not feeling better... Sweating, light headed, nauseous, heart is beating fast, breathing is not the way it is supposed to be..

08-31-2013, 02:00 AM
I get the feeling that you can't feel your heartbeat anymore and it scares me the most. When my heart would beat fast when is wake up because it used to alot. I would try and walk outside for a sec, put some music on, talk on the phone or talk to my brother as he has gone through my same anxiety

08-31-2013, 02:50 AM
You should start getting rid of that pulse/heartbeat checking. The least you check, the least you will think about it and the least you will worry about it. Breathing problems with anxiety are perfectly normal, donīt worry about them, your breathing wonīt stop. Do you do any sports? I find it very effective to do some jogging or to go on a brisk walk. You will find it very difficult to distract yourself in this state of anxiety so I guess your only way to relax is to sweat all that stress out. Good luck!

08-31-2013, 03:34 AM
You should start getting rid of that pulse/heartbeat checking. The least you check, the least you will think about it and the least you will worry about it. Breathing problems with anxiety are perfectly normal, donīt worry about them, your breathing wonīt stop. Do you do any sports? I find it very effective to do some jogging or to go on a brisk walk. You will find it very difficult to distract yourself in this state of anxiety so I guess your only way to relax is to sweat all that stress out. Good luck!

Hey. It's not that I check my pulse, but I just woke up and I felt him. It was so present. I felt it beat very fast and hard.. But you are right, the least you check the least you will worry. I understand that. I just feel so sick. And today a view of family members of my dad's side are coming over because it's almost my birthday. I thought it would be fun. But because of my anxiety I feel very sick right now. I can't believe that I'll stay alive, because I don't feel like that. It's so stupid. And I know more people have this. It's normal for anxiety. But it is still so new for me, and I can't figure out how to deal with it.

And no, I don't do any sports. But I'm going to because I have this year off. So I will work, sport and make music or something. Thanks for your comment.