View Full Version : Eating

08-30-2013, 03:58 PM
Lately I've noticed an increase in my heart rate after eating. Today I ate a subway sandwich and after my rate felt like it was racing... I checked it was 118. Do now I'm freaked out thinking my heart with give out any minute. I know it's normal to increase but how high is too high? One site I read said over 110 consult your dr!

08-30-2013, 04:09 PM
I have the same problem. I have anxiety with eating and stomach discomfort. My heart rate has gone up to 134 bpm. Today, after some Chinese food, it's pounding and going at 108 bpm. It's normal for your heart rate to jump with eating. Add in some anxiety and it goes even higher. When you eat, your body also releases histamines and adrenaline to help produce stomach acid, so you get to add that to the anxiety, too. Best thing to do is try to ignore it. Temporary tachycardia is not going to kill you, and worrying is only going to make it worse. Your heart has to beat much faster and for hours and hours before its even possible to do damage. It just feels awful. Believe me, I know. I deal with this every day.

08-30-2013, 04:19 PM
Oh, by the way, normal resting heart rate is 60 to 100 bpm. This is resting heart rate, meaning laying down doing nothing. So your rate of 108 after eating and while being active is actually not that elevated. Your heart rate varies all through the day, jumping every time you get up, walk around, get upset, drink, go to the bathroom, etc. caffeine, chocolate, cigarettes, salt, sweets and carbs also elevate your heart rate. My resting heart rate is generally around 80 bpm. Just remember, the more you worry about it, the faster its going to go.

08-30-2013, 04:48 PM
Like Cobra said above, heart rate spikes and dips, increases and decreases throughout the day. Resting heart rate is really what you're going for here to accurately assess your health. Like blood pressure, it requires one to be sitting and not moving for about 15 minutes. It is normal for heart rate to go up after eating and/or drinking. If you have anxiety and panic disorder like me, thinking about it is what's driving it that high.

I would recommend exercise and proper diet. These things will help with heart rate and blood pressure and alleviate some of the anxiety and panic. Over 100 bpm is considered tachycardia which can be serious but is only at a resting heart rate. You'll be okay. Let us know how you're doing. God Bless.

08-30-2013, 05:07 PM
Like Cobra said above, heart rate spikes and dips, increases and decreases throughout the day. Resting heart rate is really what you're going for here to accurately assess your health. Like blood pressure, it requires one to be sitting and not moving for about 15 minutes. It is normal for heart rate to go up after eating and/or drinking. If you have anxiety and panic disorder like me, thinking about it is what's driving it that high.

I would recommend exercise and proper diet. These things will help with heart rate and blood pressure and alleviate some of the anxiety and panic. Over 100 bpm is considered tachycardia which can be serious but is only at a resting heart rate. You'll be okay. Let us know how you're doing. God Bless.

I do have anxiety and panic disorder. I normally do eat healthy and small portions during the day but today not so much. I feel so crappy after I eat and sit... I feel like I need to keep moving so I don't realize and I went to the grocery store after eating and waiting in line I felt like my chest was going to explode - I also have been dealing with dizziness/vertigo for the past two months which is not helping at all.

08-30-2013, 05:07 PM
My Resting heart ranges between 65-75.

08-30-2013, 05:36 PM
Over 100 at rest is considered tachycardia, but even then, you tell someone you have anxiety, even a little over 100 is not going to make them say anything other than relax, eat better and get some exercise. We, as anxiety sufferers, really inflate the dangers of our heart rates and blood pressure. We check when we feel weird, then freak out when it's high, but we are checking while feeling the adrenaline rush. Of course it's going to be fast. Also, there are many health conditions that make people have high heart rates all day, and it doesn't impact their life expectancy whatsoever. The heart rate is supposed to go up and down. It is built for it, and vital for your health that it speed up throughout the day. If it is consistently over 100 at rest, then yes, see your doc, but that doesn't mean you're dying. It means you need to have it checked out.

08-30-2013, 07:09 PM
Over 100 at rest is considered tachycardia, but even then, you tell someone you have anxiety, even a little over 100 is not going to make them say anything other than relax, eat better and get some exercise. We, as anxiety sufferers, really inflate the dangers of our heart rates and blood pressure. We check when we feel weird, then freak out when it's high, but we are checking while feeling the adrenaline rush. Of course it's going to be fast. Also, there are many health conditions that make people have high heart rates all day, and it doesn't impact their life expectancy whatsoever. The heart rate is supposed to go up and down. It is built for it, and vital for your health that it speed up throughout the day. If it is consistently over 100 at rest, then yes, see your doc, but that doesn't mean you're dying. It means you need to have it checked out.

So then essentially I have to accept and move on! Thank you guys for making me realize my thoughts are irrational lol

08-30-2013, 07:18 PM
You might have a stress test and echocardiogram and EKG to be certain. I have and everything is fine, but I still have heart phobia, especially when it starts racing. Bad thing is, it's my phobia making it rush cause there is nothing physically wrong with my heart. The defect is in my brain. Lol. I'm laying here in bed right now, freaking out, and my heart rate is running about 100 . I know know know that that is within normal range for heart rate, especially after a big meal, but the irrational, emotion part of my brain is circling like an animal in a cage with fear because I was traumatized by my fathers death. He died of heart disease right in front of me. It's why I have this stupid phobia.

08-30-2013, 07:20 PM
What's even crazier, I've already had cancer once, but it doesn't scare me. Seeing my dad die when I was young scared me,so all I think about is having a heart attack. Ugh!

08-30-2013, 11:42 PM
You might have a stress test and echocardiogram and EKG to be certain. I have and everything is fine, but I still have heart phobia, especially when it starts racing. Bad thing is, it's my phobia making it rush cause there is nothing physically wrong with my heart. The defect is in my brain. Lol. I'm laying here in bed right now, freaking out, and my heart rate is running about 100 . I know know know that that is within normal range for heart rate, especially after a big meal, but the irrational, emotion part of my brain is circling like an animal in a cage with fear because I was traumatized by my fathers death. He died of heart disease right in front of me. It's why I have this stupid phobia.

How old was your dad when he passed?

08-31-2013, 11:53 AM
He was 52.