View Full Version : Dear Anxiety, *join in on the rant!*

08-30-2013, 11:36 AM
I thought it would be fun to start a thread that we could come to that allowed us to basically talk crap to our anxiety. I've heard somewhere that this helps and that addressing the problem head on is something that works for some people. If it doesn't help it should at least feel better to get your feelings off your chest. It might feel really lame to do it and let people see into your mind for a minute, but it could be something that is a fun way to connect with others.
I'll go first so nobody else feels like an idiot, lol!

Dear Anxiety,
You're a super huge pain in my rear and I wish you could completely go away. You feel like my mother in law...a nagging pain that just won't take the hint that I want you to leave. You're there when I wake up and often times present when I go to bed. You stalk my thoughts and make me feel like I have good reason to believe that I'm about to draw my last breath. I've cut out so many things that I enjoy just to make you go away. I no longer enjoy a nice cup of coffee in the morning because sometimes caffeine can lead to your presence. I can honestly say that I hate you. I can also say that I don't even know how life would be without you. I'd love to wake up in the morning and know that I would have a good day and not have you knocking at my door. Its not even like I can ignore you and you'll go away. You have your very own personal key no matter how many times I change the locks. I look forward to the day when I don't have you visit me at least once. I hate it when you decide to bring all of your baggage too...like the chest pain, dizzyness, shortness of breath, and all of your other friends. I feel like my body hosts a house party for all of these terrible people that just want to come over and knock over my expensive things and punch holes in the wall.
Love, Me.

08-30-2013, 01:20 PM
Dear anxiety,

Eat shit.

08-30-2013, 01:28 PM
I thought it would be fun to start a thread that we could come to that allowed us to basically talk crap to our anxiety. I've heard somewhere that this helps and that addressing the problem head on is something that works for some people. If it doesn't help it should at least feel better to get your feelings off your chest. It might feel really lame to do it and let people see into your mind for a minute, but it could be something that is a fun way to connect with others.
I'll go first so nobody else feels like an idiot, lol!

Dear Anxiety,
You're a super huge pain in my rear and I wish you could completely go away. You feel like my mother in law...a nagging pain that just won't take the hint that I want you to leave. You're there when I wake up and often times present when I go to bed. You stalk my thoughts and make me feel like I have good reason to believe that I'm about to draw my last breath. I've cut out so many things that I enjoy just to make you go away. I no longer enjoy a nice cup of coffee in the morning because sometimes caffeine can lead to your presence. I can honestly say that I hate you. I can also say that I don't even know how life would be without you. I'd love to wake up in the morning and know that I would have a good day and not have you knocking at my door. Its not even like I can ignore you and you'll go away. You have your very own personal key no matter how many times I change the locks. I look forward to the day when I don't have you visit me at least once. I hate it when you decide to bring all of your baggage too...like the chest pain, dizzyness, shortness of breath, and all of your other friends. I feel like my body hosts a house party for all of these terrible people that just want to come over and knock over my expensive things and punch holes in the wall.
Love, Me.

Good one! And great letter!

Dear Anxiety,



08-30-2013, 01:30 PM
Dear Anxiety

Quietly, go f$$k yourself!!

08-30-2013, 01:32 PM
Grr I have another one.

Dear Anxiety,
I got up...did my morning routine. I was fine...happy even! I took a shower and put on some clothes and started a load of laundry. I bragged to my husband that I was having such a great day and that I'm in a really good mood.
THEN BAM. You show up. Totally uninvited and now I feel dizzy because of you. Today is supposed to be a good day. Kindly exit and kill yourself off.

I hate when I allow myself to think that things are going great and then a panic attack happens outta no where.

08-30-2013, 02:28 PM
Dear anxiety,

your a pain in my ass...literally.... no one likes you at all!!! you are not welcome in my body anymore..... you have taken me from semi normal to totally bat shit crazy hahahah please do everyone a favor and go away and never come back!!!!


08-30-2013, 03:50 PM
Dear anxiety,

You are a massive f£&k wit,

08-30-2013, 04:51 PM
Grr I have another one.

I hate when I allow myself to think that things are going great and then a panic attack happens outta no where.

I hate this too. And it's a problem because it almost makes me scared to feel good, if you know what I mean. It's like if I dare to feel good and as if things are going ok, that's when my body and mind will decide to teach me a lesson and send me spinning back down to square one.

Anxiety, why do you do that???? Seriously, what is your game?????? You and me go back a long way now and I've really tried to figure you out. But I just don't get it. You've got to help me out here. What is your purpose?????

08-30-2013, 05:18 PM
I agree Tailspin. I find myself fearful of being happy because I feel like its just a matter of time before I have another panic attack that makes me want to off myself, lol.
I'm not suicidal or anything, but have found myself wondering if I would be capable of it if the rest of my life will be like this. Its def not fun to wake up and feel like this all day long.
No fun. :)

08-30-2013, 07:30 PM
Dear anxiety,

How kind of you to stay. My friends have gone, my hopes have gone, and they took happiness with them. But you stayed. You're such a good friend that way. The more alone I am, the more you cuddle up to me and whisper in my ear. You tag along for all my favorite activities and you even follow me into my dreams. You know just what my future will look like and never let me forget it. You're all I have left now, and you know how lonely I am so you were kind enough to invite your friend depression in too. Now it's just the three of, but not a crowd! Because we're still all alone. And like all good friends we fight. So I should apologize for trying to kill you and your friend with that Zoloft. But you handled it just fine, brushed it right off. And sorry about the Ativan too, but that didn't last long either did it? No, you would never leave me, you're so loyal. Oh, and remember that girl I was dating? Thanks for letting me know what kind of person she reallly was. Now it's just us again. Just like you want it. And, well, I guess the thing I'm most thankful for, is that I don't have to deal with any of those pesky decisions anymore. You make them all for me! Here I was trying to figure out if I should go to law school or become a professor, and you relieved me of that decision. You kindly let me know I could never do either and that the best decision is to stay in my room and watch TV and eat. And to think, I used to think that was no life at all, but you really persuaded me that it's the only life for me. Thanks anxiety ;) you're my only and best friend. What's that? You want it to stay that way forever? Haha of course, I never even think of leaving you anymore.

Your betrothed

08-30-2013, 07:34 PM
Dear anxiety,

How kind of you to stay. My friends have gone, my hopes have gone, and they took happiness with them. But you stayed. You're such a good friend that way. The more alone I am, the more you cuddle up to me and whisper in my ear. You tag along for all my favorite activities and you even follow me into my dreams. You know just what my future will look like and never let me forget it. You're all I have left now, and you know how lonely I am so you were kind enough to invite your friend depression in too. Now it's just the three of, but not a crowd! Because we're still all alone. And like all good friends we fight. So I should apologize for trying to kill you and your friend with that Zoloft. But you handled it just fine, brushed it right off. And sorry about the Ativan too, but that didn't last long either did it? No, you would never leave me, you're so loyal. Oh, and remember that girl I was dating? Thanks for letting me know what kind of person she reallly was. Now it's just us again. Just like you want it. And, well, I guess the thing I'm most thankful for, is that I don't have to deal with any of those pesky decisions anymore. You make them all for me! Here I was trying to figure out if I should go to law school or become a professor, and you relieved me of that decision. You kindly let me know I could never do either and that the best decision is to stay in my room and watch TV and eat. And to think, I used to think that was no life at all, but you really persuaded me that it's the only life for me. Thanks anxiety ;) you're my only and best friend. What's that? You want it to stay that way forever? Haha of course, I never even think of leaving you anymore.

Your betrothed

Good one :)

08-30-2013, 08:06 PM
Dear anxiety,

Fuck you!!!!! You've ruined my 20's, you've kept me from enjoying the world with my husband, and you make me sick everyday! I hate you. I am going to fight you though with all my might because I refuse to let you win anymore!!

08-30-2013, 09:08 PM
Dear anxiety

I fucking hate you, your running my life

08-30-2013, 09:57 PM
Anxiety you've been with me for 13 years, and brought your asshole friend depression with you. You have ruined the good life I could and should of had, people looked up to me cause of my talent in restoring old cars. You've made me less of a man, I can't even support my wife and kids cause your always there. As soon as I feel a little hapiness you show up you mother fucker I hate you with passion. You are the devil, but god is on my side and I pray to him to kick you out of my life cause your not welcomed. My bills have pilled up cause you don't let me work. My kids worry cause the man they thought was the biggest strongest man a live sits in his room crying, I take stupid meds to make you go away for just a little while, but you show up stronger than ever. You make me scared that no meds are going to work for me. Your in my dreams and the minute I wake up your there. People been suffering from this disorder for many years but yet doctors have no clue how to get rid of you. In my opinion your a demon. So I'm fighting you and hopefully my friends here in this forum could start reading the bible especially psalms 91 and the story of job.
And these doctors that are making a living out of our mysery could one day walk in our shoes and see how you ruine lifes. I have more to say but I feel you breathing down my neck.

08-30-2013, 10:03 PM
Dear anxiety,


08-31-2013, 01:39 AM
(I'm sorry if my english isnt that great, I'm from the netherlands)

Dear anxiety,

Do you think it's funny? Do you think it's funny what you are doing? Do you think it's funny to let people think they can die any minute? Do you think it's funny to make someone think like there is seriously something wrong with her? Do you think it's funny to destroy a person's every day life? Do you think it's funny, funny to destroy all the posibilities of a 16 year old girl. Do you wanna know what you have done? You have completely destroyed my happiness. That's what you have done. I can't live my life the way I used to do. Because of you. And you think you are being funny by conspiring with my body? My body who is even playing tricks on me because of you. I feel sick everyday. I feel exhausted everyday. You have drained all the energy out of me. I feel like I am going to die everyday. I feel sad everyday. I am mad everyday. Have you ever felt like you're having a heart attack? No. I don't think so. Because you are a fucking heartless monster. That is what you are and nothing more. You are the monster inside of me. The monster I'm afraid to face. Because there is something that ugly going on. Because of you I am not able to go to college this year. Because of you I'm sitting home everyday with aches everywhere in my body. What's wrong with you? Damnit. What the hell is wrong with you. I can't go out with friends because you think it is funny to pop out of nowhere. You are the monster in my body, and you are here for just over a month, almost two, but it already feels like eternity. The worst part is, that you make me feel like I'm doing well and then you come back, even stronger. Next week I am turning 17, and you better not fuck up my birthday. I don't want a suprise present of you. I don't want anything from you. I want to destroy the monster inside of me, but if I'll trying to do that, I'll destroy myself. The monster inside of me, is turning me into one aswell. I'm getting weaker and weaker. All the happiness is gone. All my hopes are gone. That is what you have done.

Love, your creation

08-31-2013, 02:03 AM
(I'm sorry if my english isnt that great, I'm from the netherlands)

Dear anxiety,

Do you think it's funny? Do you think it's funny what you are doing? Do you think it's funny to let people think they can die any minute? Do you think it's funny to make someone think like there is seriously something wrong with her? Do you think it's funny to destroy a person's every day life? Do you think it's funny, funny to destroy all the posibilities of a 16 year old girl. Do you wanna know what you have done? You have completely destroyed my happiness. That's what you have done. I can't live my life the way I used to do. Because of you. And you think you are being funny by conspiring with my body? My body who is even playing tricks on me because of you. I feel sick everyday. I feel exhausted everyday. You have drained all the energy out of me. I feel like I am going to die everyday. I feel sad everyday. I am mad everyday. Have you ever felt like you're having a heart attack? No. I don't think so. Because you are a fucking heartless monster. That is what you are and nothing more. You are the monster inside of me. The monster I'm afraid to face. Because there is something that ugly going on. Because of you I am not able to go to college this year. Because of you I'm sitting home everyday with aches everywhere in my body. What's wrong with you? Damnit. What the hell is wrong with you. I can't go out with friends because you think it is funny to pop out of nowhere. You are the monster in my body, and you are here for just over a month, almost two, but it already feels like eternity. The worst part is, that you make me feel like I'm doing well and then you come back, even stronger. Next week I am turning 17, and you better not fuck up my birthday. I don't want a suprise present of you. I don't want anything from you. I want to destroy the monster inside of me, but if I'll trying to do that, I'll destroy myself. The monster inside of me, is turning me into one aswell. I'm getting weaker and weaker. All the happiness is gone. All my hopes are gone. That is what you have done.

Love, your creation

That has described anything I've wanted to say about what anxiety has done to me! I'm 17 turning 18 in a few weeks. I've delt with it for three years now and it's ruined me. I feel like I'm wasting away and I'm gonna die any minute. Of every single day.

08-31-2013, 07:09 AM
Dear Anxiety you ruined my life, you are the cause I am always in bad relationship. You caused bad relation with my children, and my low self confidence. I can not look for another job because of you. I am scared to leave the house and of any social gatherins because of you. I F****ng hate u!!

08-31-2013, 08:05 AM
Good one :)

That's pretty much what I'd say to !!

08-31-2013, 08:18 AM
Dear Anxiety

You reared your ugly head when I was 6 years old & you've been with me ever since . How I wish I could remember the 5 years before you arrived . When I was 15 you invited depression along & then a little later OCD .
After my children were born you got good old Post natal depression on board & now you've got social anxiety joining in too .
All in all you have all ruined every single aspect of my life . My career, my relationships,my marriage,my friendships,being a mother,. You've taken all my confidence & you've brought me to my knees with terror & panic .
You are the only things that I know are me now as I lost myself to your shit year aft year , day after day .
I tried everything to get rid of you all , I fought hard but lost .
I'm tired now & the physical effects you give me have Made me a total wreck .
When I loose it & I scream at you , you just laugh at me .
You have killed me . I just exist now .

You are a bastard & no matter how hard I try I can't beat you .

Fuck you

08-31-2013, 08:49 AM
Dear Anxiety, are you a demon or just plain evil? I hope you're happy with yourself.
We'll satan must be proud of you, you cocksucker. You've inflicted quite a bit of suffering. Alankay.

08-31-2013, 03:21 PM
Dear Anxiety,
Why are you ruining my life? I'm only 12! I should be out enjoying movies and playgrounds with my friends, not staying home plauged by the fear of you coming around. You make me bite my nails to the point where they bleed. You make me yell and scream at people who try to help me. And worst of all, you don't allow me to do things that I have have every right to do, and every right to enjoy! I wish you would stop making me sweat all the time, and let me stop biting my nails. I wish that you would stop making my heart rate go so high at the littlest things, and I wish that I didn't get dizzy and fall all the time.


08-31-2013, 04:18 PM
love this thread!!

Dear Anxiety,

You are a huge inconvience, and ANNOY ME greatly,

please let me enjoy everything I used too!


08-31-2013, 04:46 PM
Amazing posts everyone.
Its a shame that anxiety causes so much hurt and pain in our lives.
Its unfortunate, but also relieving to know that I'm not the only one who has these thoughs.
Lets find a way to beat this.

08-31-2013, 07:08 PM
(I'm sorry if my english isnt that great, I'm from the netherlands)

Dear anxiety,

Do you think it's funny? Do you think it's funny what you are doing? Do you think it's funny to let people think they can die any minute? Do you think it's funny to make someone think like there is seriously something wrong with her? Do you think it's funny to destroy a person's every day life? Do you think it's funny, funny to destroy all the posibilities of a 16 year old girl. Do you wanna know what you have done? You have completely destroyed my happiness. That's what you have done. I can't live my life the way I used to do. Because of you. And you think you are being funny by conspiring with my body? My body who is even playing tricks on me because of you. I feel sick everyday. I feel exhausted everyday. You have drained all the energy out of me. I feel like I am going to die everyday. I feel sad everyday. I am mad everyday. Have you ever felt like you're having a heart attack? No. I don't think so. Because you are a fucking heartless monster. That is what you are and nothing more. You are the monster inside of me. The monster I'm afraid to face. Because there is something that ugly going on. Because of you I am not able to go to college this year. Because of you I'm sitting home everyday with aches everywhere in my body. What's wrong with you? Damnit. What the hell is wrong with you. I can't go out with friends because you think it is funny to pop out of nowhere. You are the monster in my body, and you are here for just over a month, almost two, but it already feels like eternity. The worst part is, that you make me feel like I'm doing well and then you come back, even stronger. Next week I am turning 17, and you better not fuck up my birthday. I don't want a suprise present of you. I don't want anything from you. I want to destroy the monster inside of me, but if I'll trying to do that, I'll destroy myself. The monster inside of me, is turning me into one aswell. I'm getting weaker and weaker. All the happiness is gone. All my hopes are gone. That is what you have done.

Love, your creation

So so true so beautifully said and so creative for a 17 year old girl u should be very proud at 17 to discribe this shity illness the way u did at your age I would not av been able too at your age. Your mind is so strong and I'm sure with ur strong words and way u think you will beat this monster ;).

08-31-2013, 07:36 PM
Dear anxiety,
I've never known u....
I can't smell you....
I can't taste you....
I can't see you.....
I can FEEL you.....
Matter of fact.. I can feel me!!! I can feel every sensation in my body! Every twitch, every thud, every buzz, every vibration...
Your a non existent to a lot..
But a Demon to me! You keep me awake, you make me breathless, and you make me cry.
My question is why? Why must this go on?
What have I done to you? Where did I go wrong? Your like a chorus of a song.
You continue to play along.
Guess what? This is not a game, not a joke, you make me want to choke....
When will you leave? When can I believe, that this is just a dream!!
When is that day? When I can say! My worries have gone away? Will u ever let me free? Please! This is my destiny!
Please anxiety I will be good, I will honor and obey... O wait I do.. This is what I get? A sleepless night as my body throws fits.. Not fair!! Why won't you leave?? This is my plea!! Please go away... This is all I have to say...
