View Full Version : Panic or anxiety attacks everyday why?

08-30-2013, 08:45 AM
Hey guys i dont if its anxiety or panic attacks i get that discomfort pain by my heart like im about to die and its everyday maybe 3 times a day happens why???? And when im having a good day boom comes out of no where can someome help mee!!!

08-30-2013, 10:14 AM
Anyone here ?

08-30-2013, 10:21 AM
I have the same thing happen to me occasionally. I do have panic attacks daily though, so I know about the symptoms.
The pain in my chest used to happen a lot more than it does now, but after I went to the doctor and was told that I'm perfectly healthy the pain went away.
Once I made myself realize that I was okay it seems like it moved on. You're probably just worried something is wrong with your heart, so it makes it seem that is the major spot that you feel discomfort.
It sucks, but you're going to be alright. :)

08-30-2013, 10:31 AM
Yea its bad even at work i have a secerity company and sometimes when guys cant come in i have to go in not to lose my account and its the clubs and when im standing there not thinking anythig and bamm!! There it comes feels like im gonna have a heart attack or something its bad ughhh

08-30-2013, 11:48 AM
Yeah...the thing with panic attacks is that often times you'll be doing something that you usually do and then suddenly you have one. Its basically due to us being worried that we will have another panic attack.
I'd say try not to think about it, but in all reality its hard to not think about!
I spend the majority of my time trying to avoid having panic attacks, lol. I finally figured out that trying to stop myself from having them makes them happen more often. :)

Have you been to a doctor at all to rule out any medical reasoning behind random chest pains?
My dad had two heart attacks at a pretty early age (early 40s) and he said that if you're having a heart attack then you will definately know that it is a heart attack.
Panic attacks feel differently, but they cannot hurt you.

Do you smoke cigarettes or anything?
I used to smoke cigarettes and I had random chest pains quite often. They would range from mild to sort of severe and once I stopped smoking the chest pains stopped too.

I use an e-cig now which has helped me stop smoking cigarettes and slowly weaned me off of nicotine so that way I don't feel any of those withdrawl effects.
If you smoke you should consider quitting because its helped me a lot and I don't feel anywhere near as bad as I used to with my chest. No more tightness and no more pains. :)

If you don't smoke then good!

08-30-2013, 12:00 PM
I went 3 months ago to cardio dr had a stress test and sono gram done everything is good just need to lose weight he said thats about it i dunno if i should go again? I smoke but im doin the samething like u but im have a few cigs a day thats about it

08-30-2013, 12:07 PM
How do you calm them down?

08-30-2013, 12:15 PM
If your doctor said that you're okay I wouldn't go again. More than likely you just need to stop smoking...smoking is thought to relieve stress, but all of the crap in them can induce panic attacks.
I was having a lot more panic attacks when I was smoking cigaretts. I still have a lot of panic attacks now, but its probably due to caffeine.
I drink soda often and I do need to lose weight too, so that could be it.
All doctors say that people need to lose weight though lol!

The way that I calm my panic attacks is basically just let it happen. That thought is so scary to think about, but usually if you spend all of your time fighting them they tend to stay around.
For example...lately I've felt really panicky and instead of letting panic attacks happen I try to fight them. All that has done for me is make me feel like crap all day.
Find a suitable distraction...something that you really like to do to ease tension.
Go get a massage.
Listen to some music that is actually calming.
When you feel a panic attack coming...state things that are true. For example... I would say something like "My name is Jessica. I am 26. I am married. I live in Oklahoma." and then just go on about true things about you in that current situation.
That has actually helped me. Last night I was laying in bed and I felt a panic attack coming while I was watching tv and I said that stuff and my panic attack went away. It might work for you. :)

08-30-2013, 12:19 PM
Yea im gonna give it a shot...i just want it to stop i have an appointment next week with the therapist cbt alot of people said this help with anxiety n panic attacks im gonna give it a shot hope it works i wanna end this already

08-30-2013, 12:45 PM
I know what you mean. I hope that whatever you try works for you. :)

08-30-2013, 12:48 PM
Thanks for everything im gonna try and stop when it comes on again..but its hard u feel like u gonna drop dead lol this freakin anxiety u gotta laugh sometimes