View Full Version : Does everyone find their G.P /phyciatrist/MHT/crisis team/therapist to be good???

08-30-2013, 05:35 AM
I'm just wondering if it is just me or if others are ginning that the whole mental health system is appalling :-(
No one communicates or seems to know what they are doing . I am told time & time again I'll get a call regarding my medication & despite leaving numerous message I never get a call . I've paid £170 and been waiting a week for a bloody phone call .
The crisis team are useless, mainly because they don't turn up or they have no idea what to do when they do eventually pay you a flying visit.

The MHT have you on numerous waiting lists & then asses you & then you are told to go on another waiting list for the therapy , all this takes months & months even if you are down as an emergency !!

The G.P & physiatrist can't communicate between one another & everyone gives conflicting advice .

This is why I decided to go private & pay , however that has been useless aswell .

I'm detoxing off yet another A/D with no help or advice or care . I'm still waiting to know what A/D I'm supposed to be going onto & I'm having to take more lorazapam to help the anxiety .

I'm appalled at the shoddy system . It's all wrong . Is it any wonder people end up dead !!! It's like the final nail in the coffin . They may aswel send you a letter saying


08-30-2013, 07:57 AM
I found that your psych care is best done by a single psychiatrist here until you get feeling better if your anxiety doesn't respond to what GP's are trained to try first. It's not easy to find a good doc to sit down and take all the time needed to work with you but when you do it can turn things around. Alankay

08-31-2013, 08:00 AM
I keep getting passed about , so I paid privately & I've been waiting over a week for him to ring me about my medication .
I'm very upset & feel so let down ;(