View Full Version : Someone h

08-30-2013, 01:01 AM
Title.was.meamt.to be: someone help, I'm loosing it.

Hello. So I havr already ppsted a couple of posts about this subject.. But it just will not stop.

I am tired to the max everyday. I cant even explain how tired. It feels terrific for me. When I wake up I am tired and then the whole day tru. I'm afraid to sleep because I think I'm to weak, that there is something wrong with me...

I live in the Netherlands and I wnt a mri scan sooo badly but here you cqn only get one when the doctor feels the need for it, and they say yeaah its just stress and your anxiety disorder. But I want some prpve. That there is nothing wrong with me.

Do you have any tips? Things I can do in this situation.. Some products that might help? Things that might work.for me. Just to get energy. Or rest. Even if it is for good thoughts? Because everything is.negative in my life.right now., I cant.find the.good... I'm loosing it..

(This isnt the.only physical symptom I have. But this one is bothering.me the most right now, and it.terrifies me, it breaks me..)

08-30-2013, 02:07 AM
Plz, someone? I can't handle it anymore. It drives me crazy and I don't know how I can deal with it... Plz :(

08-30-2013, 02:48 AM
Someone? I really need some help on this one... I'm feeling this way already way to long. I'm getting depressed and crazy. And I worry every minute. I feel like I will just die in a couple of minutes, hours or maybe days... But I feel like I won't come out alive of this one. Plz.

08-30-2013, 03:35 AM
First just relax take some deep breath
I feel the same I'm scare of sleeping because I think I'm not going to wake up! Is just your mind playing tricks on you and your thinking to much negative stuff

08-30-2013, 07:43 AM

This is my favorite article on anxiety. Read it again and again. You have to take the reins on this anxiety and your life and get control of it! You can do it! We all can! This fear is a paper tiger that has no teeth. It can growl but it cannot bite. It can make us feel lousy, but it cannot kill us.