View Full Version : Having anxiety attack help

08-29-2013, 08:03 PM
Guysss help me im at work and im having an anxiety attack i feel discomfort pain by the heart and yawning to get air please i need to calm down help its being goin on for 20 mins and it wont stop and i was good all day and it came out of no where!!! Please helpp me this discomfort pain by my heart is scaring mee ughhh

08-29-2013, 08:16 PM
Anyone please

08-29-2013, 09:30 PM
The best thing to do is to take yourself out of the room you are working in and find somewhere quiet, like the toilet, and do some meditation on your breathing. Just a couple of minutes of deep breathing will help you to calm down. Another thing to do is to put cold water on your lips and back of your neck - this usually calms you down.
Just give yourself a few minutes away from the work so that you can get yourself back down calm and can then return to your desk and work again. Nobody else will notice if you go to the toilet so no need to worry about people noticing. I often pretend I am delivering something to someone in another department, and then if I take quite a while in the toilet to calm down, when I go back I just say I met someone who wanted to tell me something.