View Full Version : stuck in china

11-08-2007, 11:32 PM
I was wondering if someone can help me out here. I have anxiety. I'm stuck in china (Visa problem) and just need people to tell me this will pass. and I will be fine.

is it normal to have your mood change very quickly (like every 10 mins sometimes)

is it normal to feel fear for a whole day with bought of heavy anxiety?

is it normal to feel normal one day then a basket case the next but back to normal the next?

Please tell me this will pass. I'm in one of those worry anxiety cycles.

11-09-2007, 04:03 PM
Relax....Take a deep breath.....you will be fine.

I felt the same way for 14 days (on vacation!), but somehow made it through.
You will too. Keep reminding yourself that you are not "trapped" where you are (or "stuck", as you said), just merely passing time.....
Try (really hard!) to find beauty and comfort in the surroundings you are in, and hold on to those thoughts for as long as you can. Take notice of how many things (sights, sounds, smells, etc.) are exactly like those you have experienced at "home". Make your safe haven within yourself - wherever you go, and wherever you are IS HOME.

I promise you will get through this!