View Full Version : Chronic worry n anxiety

08-29-2013, 03:45 PM
I'm starting to think I'm gonna die young I think doctors don't realize the power of anxiety ok scared I don't know what to do anymore I've been on meds not working like they should I sweat all the time like a cold sweat feel like my heart is racing n dizzy Anxious cause I'm not sure anymore I've had blood work n test but don't think it matters Im worn out n scared I'm gonna die......help :(

08-29-2013, 03:52 PM
Been gaining n losing weight from binge eating n not eating I'm 5 9 205 obese having hard time tring to get healthy feel like I'm gonna faint so sometimes don't know what to think anymore

08-29-2013, 04:29 PM
Really sorry you're suffering so badly. Anxiety and the physical probs that go with it sure does suck.

Do you have any kind of real life support structure? A family member or good friend who has some idea what you're going through and can give you some moral support? And maybe do gentle exercise with you? Go on walks together etc? Otherwise is there some kind of real life support group you could join? Maybe a support group for healthy eating/weight loss/exercise?

Are you having any counseling at all for the anxiety? Group therapy can be helpful too.

Really hope you find some relief soon.

08-29-2013, 08:12 PM

Read this article. Anxiety cannot kill you, and a feeling of impending doom is normal. You're not sick. You're just freaking out over your fight or flight hormone sensations. I know exactly how you feel. I'm fighting the exact same symptoms and thoughts.

08-29-2013, 09:35 PM
Sorry you are feeling this bad - I know exactly what you mean. I am in the worse place in my head than ever before and I really don't know how to control my head. At times it just won't stop going round in circles and it just acts which is not safe. I was convinced hormone problems caused the start of my depression, and still am, and still need my hormones sorted, but now after 2.5 years I think the depression has taken on a life of its own and nothing anyone gives me for medication calms it down.
I try everything anyone tells me - you should see how many self help etc books I have bought - but concentrating on them is impossible and when head explodes everything goes out the window.
I know it is horrible and scary but you can only hope for the end of the tunnel soon. Perhaps keep a mood diary - often it shows that you did actually have some good or sort of good days and not just all bad days, and then it makes you feel better.

08-29-2013, 11:22 PM
I'm starting to think I'm gonna die young I think doctors don't realize the power of anxiety ok scared I don't know what to do anymore I've been on meds not working like they should I sweat all the time like a cold sweat feel like my heart is racing n dizzy Anxious cause I'm not sure anymore I've had blood work n test but don't think it matters Im worn out n scared I'm gonna die......help :(

This is the problem, in my opinion. Anxiety has no inherent power. What we all must learn is that WE are the cause of the physical symptoms. We are the ones who give the power to anxiety, and it can wreck you if you let it.

You keep saying stuff like "I feel like this" and "I feel like that", but that's all they are. Feelings. They don't actually happen. Self control and understanding is essential.

08-30-2013, 10:51 AM
I'd like to throw out there that if you're taking medications for your anxiety you may need to have your dose adjusted. It often takes quite a while to find out what does will help you the most. Doctors cannot just prescribe a dose that will work for everyone who takes it. 5mg may work for you, but not someone else or the opposite could be true. Its worth it to talk to your doctor about your feelings and let them know that this dose may not be the right one for you.
Sometimes they make you wait a certain amount of time before they adjust the dose, but if you have been on that dose long enough they may be able to help. You have to speak up and tell them though because if you don't they just assume that everything is working out for you.
Also try finding someone that you can talk to. Often times getting on this forum knocks my panic attacks out because I have people to talk to here that understand. Having someone in your life that understands that can spend time with you in person might help.
If you have nobody in your life that understands try to find a support group for people with anxiety. All of those people feel the way that you do...maybe more or less, but they know what you're dealing with.

You can also try to find something to lose yourself in...such as weight loss if thats what you're interested in. Spend time researching articles on nutrition and learn how to eat better. If you put your mind completely to something that you're interested in often times that can make the panic attacks subside. :)