View Full Version : Fear of People?!

11-08-2007, 09:17 PM
I've built a fear reaction to people in general, is this normal?! Im human and I know I need to communicate with others. Im fearful of allot of social situations and am becoming fearful of meeting people or seeing people I have not seen in a long time. I worry about what I will say, if i will choke up, blush, what if they see my worry? What can I do about this? Does anyone else have this fear, or had this fear?

11-10-2007, 08:35 PM
I have the same fear..and I think people see it as me not wanting to be their friend or stuck up and its lame as hell. >.> I can't stand fearing that because I really liked the people in my past and we just lost contact..Not like I wanted them out of my life, it just happened.

11-11-2007, 04:29 AM
i m only 22. i had a severe depression 3 years ago. I thought it was depression and would not come back.after a relationship i had with a boy tah ended 2,5 months now i soooooooooo bad. All of my friends call me at parties etc but i just can't face them. I thought i was so strong and that i could be out of medication, but my anxiety can't leave me. And what i realized is that all these years i was deeply afraid of people but i could somehow cope with it because of my success (i was a very good student) and my external appearance( i am really beautiful, they call me "angelina Jolie") :tongue:

but if i am not able to control all these things, i will never be happy. 2.5 months i am in a constant hell, i am living again all these horrible moments 3 years ago bla bla u know the rest. I dont know what to do. I just started going to a psychiatrist, let's see, i am veeeery pessimist because of the things i feel i cannot touch any more. My friends, even my 2 ex-boyfriends.Basically my self. Where are the things i love?

At this particular moment of my life i am seriously afraid of people and reading all that stuff here frightened me, it can be chronic... fuck.