View Full Version : Mirtizipne ( Remeron advice) Anxiety & depression help

peter lewis
08-29-2013, 01:51 AM
Hi I have been suffering with anxiety and depression for several years and have been on valium on & off and still taking when required.
I have been to see a phyciarastrist after a very long wait and he has put me on mirtizipine of which i have been on for 2 weeks now at 15mg.
After the first 2-3 days I started to feel a bit better & didn't have the dry heaves and shakiness etc in the mornings and was hoping that this was going to work.
However I am now at 14 days and my symptoms seem to be returning and feeling very tired & trembling etc & feeling sick.
Please can anybody advise me if this is normal with this drug & as anybody else had the same problems.
Maybe I should be on a higher dose or maybe this is not right for me as I have tried many ssri<s that didn't work

08-29-2013, 03:23 AM
Hi Peter. I was on mirtazapine for a couple of years for anxiety. It was one of the few antidepressants I could tolerate. It helped with my sleep and appetite but unfortunately my agoraphobia continued to worsen. If you are taking it for anxiety a lower dose may be better as higher doses of this medicine are more activating (and hence better for depression). Lower doses seem to be more sedating. When I decided to come off it my anxiety actually improved. I can't remember experiencing trembling but tiredness is normal. This is just my experience and everyone reacts differently.