View Full Version : Stomach and heart

08-29-2013, 01:09 AM
Somehow I've gotten it into my head that eating is straining my heart. Every time I eat, I start getting anxious. Then I check my pulse compulsively. Often, it is just a bit over 100 bpm. Sometimes as high as 110 to 120 . And even though I know this is not that high, I just get so antsy about it, like my heart is about to burst. I'm so tired of worrying about my stomach and my heart. Both are healthy. I know it, but I just can't stop worrying about it, and forget about it if I have indigestion or gas! My stomach is gurgling right now and I'm freaking out like one of those chestbursters from aliens is going to rip out of me! Lol! I need a brain reset!

I guess it's really just adrenaline, and since my fears are heart attack and stomach problems, I've just linked the two together in my mind. Not fun tho cause you have to eat, so every day for me it's two panic attacks and several hours of anxiety while I digest.

08-29-2013, 01:12 AM
My normal resting heart rate is 80 bpm, which isn't bad, just not that great either. I've got to start exercising again, but, again, I fear straining my heart. Rationally, I know I need the exercise and I am only hurting myself lying in bed and sitting all the time. I quit walking because I kept having panic attacks during exercise.

08-29-2013, 06:37 AM
This is happening to me now. I check my bp and heart rate daily. Heart rate is normal anywhere from 60-100 for an adult. Mines somewhere from 90-110 lol so believe me this is anxiety working hits wonders on us. Try to relax the more you think about it the faster it goes.

08-29-2013, 08:19 AM
I was constantly checking my pulse for a long time. It started to not only frustrate me because I was aware that I was doing it all the time...I mean, like, every five minutes all day...but it was started to get embarrassing because people were asking me about it all the time. At the time, I was acting in this show that involved a lot of running and stage combat, and I'd freak out because I'd finish a scene and my heart would be pounding...as if that wasn't normal. Um, hello! Once I accepted the fact that my heart rate was normal and that it is normal for it to fluctuate, and that I had a normal EKG, I was able to kick the habit.