View Full Version : Gad?

08-28-2013, 11:49 PM
I'm curious what symptons other people deal with that have GAD?

For instance, I've been a big time worrier since I was you. I can remember worrying terribly about the safety of my police officer dad, worrying about growing up and the 'future', I've convinced myself of several terrible health conditions, and I obsess over my family's health. I often feel like I have some social anxiety as well. Nothing too terrible but for example, I often re-play situations in my mind where I feel I said something foolish or wrong, and I tend to try to think of how I could have handled it better or corrected myself. (Struggles with self esteem haven't helped in this area though)

Physically, I've always 'complained' about having bad balance...and have periods of time (usually a few days) where I can't 'catch a deep breath'. And I'm OVERLY aware of any and every ache and pain I feel.

The worst thing that I have dealt with and it literally made me so miserable I couldn't eat or sleep, was having bouts of intrusive thoughts. I wonder if these are common with GAD??

I personally find that the Fall & Winter bring worse almost unbearable symptoms while during the Spring & Summer I have good days and bad days, and sometimes just a feeling of impending doom, but it's not unbearable like during the fall months :/

ANYWAY - I can't sleep at all, and I just want to know what symptoms y'all have and how y'all cope or any tricks you've found that seem to help.