View Full Version : Anxiety Question

08-28-2013, 04:43 PM
I'm going on about a month of dealing with serious anxiety after several hospital trips everything appears to be fine. I'm 5 days into cymbalta and I would no longer call them panic attacks, just constant panic. like 24-7. I might get a little relief, but it doesn't last long before it's back. They blow up into "attacks" sometime. But mostly just terrible anxiety at all times for absolutely no reason. Is this normal?

08-28-2013, 04:48 PM
I have not personally taken Cymbalta, but I know that it is definitely very common to experience increased anxiety when you start on a new medication. Even if the med is supposed to help with anxiety, it can take a couple of weeks or so before it kicks in, and in the beginning phase, the anxiety can be worse.

I hope things settle down for you soon and that the Cymbalta helps.