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08-28-2013, 02:18 PM
I'm constantly in a state of panic in my relationship, I'm with the most amazing girlfriend ever who does anything for me, but I can't help but get myself worked up to a state of panic attacks because I feel like my anxietys tearing us apart even though she says she's so happy with me my mind is constantly telling me otherwise 😔😔😔😔

08-28-2013, 05:12 PM
I feel for you. I rally do :/ (been there done that also) I was in a lon distance relationship and I think things were already going south so to speak, neither of us really wanted a relationship but life doesn't thing about that stuff does it? Ha! It is an awful feeling but if she's there... That's all that matters. SHE IS THERE!! You know? She is showing you, without even having to say anything. I'd say just remember that, grasp onto it because if someone doesn't want to be with you... They won't. I decided I'd face that bridge when I came to it, if I came to it and you do... But right now that's not an issue for you so chin up and go give her a kiss ;)