View Full Version : Fatigue. Being tired.

08-28-2013, 12:38 PM
Because of my anxiety I'm even scared of being tired. I'm tired when I wake up, and still tired when its 8 p.m. (Being tired, really tired, when you just woke up from sleeping a night..... It is realllly annoying, and discomforting, it takes a lot of my energy and happiness....)

Also I'm having an annoying cold roght now. And that comes with annoying symptoms as well..

Can being tired, also come from having a cold???

Its 8.30 pm in the netherlands now and Im freaaking out once again. Its so annoying and I'm afraid to sleep, because I feel like I wont wake up.

I have this feeling more often and it's freaking me out alll the time.

Can someone give me some information or something, so I can understand it a bit, relax, or something?

Please talk me out of this...

08-28-2013, 01:09 PM
Absolutely, a cold can make you feel tired! When your body is fighting a virus, it drains us, and it makes us feel exhausted. I bet you will feel more energetic/normal when you get better from the cold. Just think that your body won't get well if you don't get the rest you need. Just try to lay down and relax all parts of your body, and embrace the sleepiness. It's good for you to sleep, and you WILL wake up!!

08-28-2013, 01:11 PM
Ps) I was actually having some symptoms before bed last night, and I know what you mean about being afraid to sleep sometimes, but HERE I AM. LOL :)

08-28-2013, 01:15 PM
It seems like your sleep isn't particularly restful, and if you aren't getting rest than it's totally normal that you would be tired. And yes, being tired can definitely come from having a cold. When you are sick your body is working overtime to fight off viruses, and when you have anxiety, your body is in a constant state of fight or flight, you're releasing adrenaline and keeping yourself tense, so it's inevitable that you are going to be fatigued. I can relate to what you are going through worrying about going to sleep. I can do fine throughout the whole day but when I lay down to go to sleep I start to worry that something might happen and I'm not going to wake up, and then I end up in the cycle of having insomnia because I'm anxious and being anxious because I can't sleep. Just think about the fact, though, that every night you go through it, you still wake up the next morning and here you are on the forum! The anxiety can't hurt you, as awful as it might make you feel!