View Full Version : help and some advice pls!

08-28-2013, 08:37 AM
I just need advise help, I was prescribed prozac 2 months ago I'm taking 30mg but I'm still always depressed and anxious all the Time. I talked to my dr. Today and she said she might have to change my prozac to something else mean while up my dose to 40mg untill I see her in 2 weeks. She also dropped my dose of klonopin from 2mg once a morning to .5 mg a morn. I just don't get the drastic drop of klonopin. Since I'm feeling the worse I've felt in years and what did calm me down was the 2mg of klonopin a day. I would take 2 mg in the morning and that's it for the rest of the night. Its just frustrating. I've been suffering from anxiety/depression for 12 years. I feel that I'm starting all over from day one. And its just kicking my ass. Has anyone else experience this?

08-28-2013, 09:49 AM
Yes my meds took a while to work. I guess our bodies have to get used to the medication.

08-29-2013, 02:03 AM
I had anxiety for about 20 years. I tried prozac as well as klonopin, along with about 50 other types of medications that never worked long term. The only think they did was get my hooked on the benzos and caused even more anxiety because of the stupid choices I was making, due to being drugged out of my mind. My answer didn't come in the form of a pill. I actually had to take a hard look at myself and my habits/routines to find the answer. Almost 4 years ago I started walking 30 minutes a day, taking certain herbal supplements and practicing deep breathing techniques every night. I stopped taking all medication, including OTC. I cleaned up my diet (although I didn't go crazy in this area) but I thought it was important to watch what I was putting into my body. I started thinking about my state of mind differently....since the brain is part of the physical body, I realized that if I was physically in terrible shape, that would affect my brain and my state of mind, confidence, focus, etc. This realization has literally saved my life and I hope this helps you too. Thanks and hang in there!

Do you think me taking meds meanwhile I get my life together is wrong. My anxiety is extremely overwhelming. And I've tried to live with no meds, but I find it impossible. My thought is get my mind better with the help of meds, then try and find a natural way of copping with this disorder. I'm 6'0 300lbs. Been big all my life. I want to get better and I'm more than willing to try anything to get there. It's just very hard right now.

08-29-2013, 02:37 AM
how are you feeling