View Full Version : I'm very anxious and depressed.

08-27-2013, 10:42 PM
I just need advise help, I was prescribed prozac 2 months ago I'm taking 30mg but I'm still always depressed and anxious all the Time. I talked to my dr. Today and she said she might have to change my prozac to something else mean while up my dose to 40mg untill I see her in 2 weeks. She also dropped my dose of klonopin from 2mg once a morning to .5 mg a morn. I just don't get the drastic drop of klonopin. Since I'm feeling the worse I've felt in years and what did calm me down was the 2mg of klonopin a day. I would take 2 mg in the morning and that's it for the rest of the night. Its just frustrating. I've been suffering from anxiety/depression for 12 years. I feel that I'm starting all over from day one. And its just kicking my ass. Has anyone else experience this?