View Full Version : Severe pain in my right arm

08-27-2013, 02:05 PM
Getting really annoyed it hurts so bad like the pressure of when you test your blood pressure on your arm but its all over the top of my right arm.

It started a week a go out of nowhere lasted half an hour then went away, came back at night then woke up it was gone then came back again in the afternoon. Few days later I have has it all day :( my heart rate is normal ( I track this) and I feel calm..... Which is why I don't know why it hurts so much :(

I use a pain scale 1 being ok 10 hospital it's only really got to 7 and I don't think I'm having a heart attack as no other symptoms.....

Basically I've never has this as a symptom of anxiety..... Normally feel panicky shakes sweating feel v worried scared lost ect I know my signs so I really don't get this?!?!? Anyone else get this tight hard painful right arm thing???

Thanks x