View Full Version : I'm new here...but not to panic attacks :(

08-27-2013, 01:36 PM
Hey everyone, I'm Jessica. I'm 26 years old and I have suffered from panic attacks for about two years.
The panic attacks range from mild discomfort to extreme discomfort. They produce a wide variety of physical symptoms which have caused me to go to the ER a couple of times.
I have tried medications, but they don't work for me. Lately I've been searching for remedies from people who suffer from these horrible things. I've tried almost everything, but its really boiling down to the chemical imbalance in my brain. I'll have to go on medications eventually, but I want to try everything first. I have little to no stress in my life that would warrant such frequent attacks, so I'm hoping that either I will find something that helps or be put on a medication that helps.

Everything is getting worse for me. I am married, but my husband has a hard time believing that panic attacks cannot be controlled. Hes supportive and comforting to me though when I need him, but we just believe differently.
I have panic attacks daily. It started when I was very sick...I had a sinus infection along with bronchitis and so I took some allergy pills and sat down at the computer to watch some music videos. Suddenly I felt like I was going to black out. Everything around me faded and I couldn't breathe. I stood up and was dizzy and instructed my husband to call 911. I didn't end up going because the feeling subsided, but since that day I have had panic attacks everyday. They range from being very small to being as big as the ones that have made me feel like I was dying and needed to go to the ER. I went to the doctor about a month and a half ago and was checked out completely...they ran tests and did scans and xrays, but nothing was wrong. So they verified what I already knew. I'm healthy. It is my mind that isn't.

So now I'm here. Trying to find answers and find something that will help me. I'm currently having a panic attack, but am listening to some calming audio which is sort of helping me.

My symptoms:
I feel so tired...so so tired when this happens.
My heart beats very quickly and sometimes very slowly.
I cannot catch my breath.
Occasionally my breathing slows very much.
Constant feeling of being dizzy.
Heavy feeling in the back of my head.
Feeling like I NEED to talk to someone.
Feeling the need to go to the bathroom.
My eyes are fuzzy and feel like I cannot focus on anything.
Intense fear of dying, doom, and just making an idiot of myself.
Sometimes all I hear are sounds and they become so intense that I need to find somewhere quiet. This happens mostly in stores or something, but not as often as the other symptoms.
Constant obsession about finding ways to make this stop.
Its hard for me to stay asleep at night. I wake up and have to do something and then I'm able to go back to sleep.

I had previously been concerned about heart attacks because my parents had them sort of young, but after I went to the ER the last time it was confirmed that my heart is healthy and so are the rest of my organs.
The only thing they didn't check was my brain.
Which I find myself sometimes thinking that my brain is the problem...besides the chemical imbalance. I find myself thinking what if I have a tumor or brain cancer.
I also think about suicide sometimes because of the way that I feel, but I know that I will not even truely consider suicide until I have tried every available measure to get rid of this.
I also HATE when my husband leaves for work. I get an immediate panic attack (mild) when he locks the door and I'm here alone.
I keep thinking that I must keep my phone on me in case anything happens. Its getting bad. I don't even feel like I can work because of whats going on with my mind.
I was diagnosed with PTSD at a young age due to some events in my life, but found out recently that I do have that.
My mother never told me about it until I described my panic attacks.

Sorry for such a long rant, but if anyone has anything that might help me besides medications please suggest them. If I've tried it I'll let you know and let you know the results that I've had.
Anything would be greatly appreciated. :)

08-27-2013, 04:17 PM
Hi JustAnotherAttack, I can relate to a lot of what you write here and definitely the symptoms you describe are absolutely classic, panic attack symptoms. I know that doesn't necessarily help much though......If you are reluctant to try medication then I'm wondering if therapy would be option? Especially because you say you have a diagnosis of PTSD. Different kinds of therapy can be very helpful and there are certain skills that can be taught which help us not react to the panic attack. I hope that therapy is something you might be able to explore.

08-27-2013, 06:04 PM
I've tried therapy for it. I'm actually in college for psychology which is unfortunate for me. I learn a lot about what I wanted to learn, but I don't feel that I can help anyone if I cannot even help myself.
I might be open to trying it again along with medication, but as of right now there are a few things that I need to get in order before I can visit a therapist or psychiatrist.
Hopefully soon!
Thank you for your reply, by the way. I appreciate the suggestion and hadn't put much thought into therapy recently. Its worth checking out.