View Full Version : NHS/MHT/G.P's /Phyciatrists

08-27-2013, 10:27 AM
Well in my 18 years experience I can tell you that the MHT & GP's & Physiatrists have all let me down , all been useless & all give conflicting advice . Crisis teams don't even turn up & so called phoning you back never happens . It makes me sick . No wonder people end up self medicating or feeling suicidal . The system is non existent . Poor poor doo :-(

Feeling hopeless

08-27-2013, 10:57 AM
My first experience with counseling was a total bust and I've been really hesitant to try again since. The guy basically told me I didn't even need to be there anyway (I tend to present pretty well), and then gave me a printout from WebMD about anxiety. O_O Please. Really? You want me to pay for that? So instead of feeling empowered and like you have the ability to overcome the things you are going through, you leave feeling totally discouraged and frustrated. I agree that the end result is self-medication and exacerbated problems. Instead of building a better support system, they are left feeling more alone. I'm getting ready to give it another shot this weekend with someone my friend set me up with (he was worried about me so he arranged and paid for it); my Mom saw her after my Dad passed away, and she has great recommendations from a lot of people I know and trust, so I'm going to try. Hopefully it ends up being more beneficial to me than the last go round because quite frankly, the last go round was totally useless.

08-27-2013, 11:33 AM
It really is so discouraging when you are let down so so many times.
Do they even know what they are doing ??? :-(

08-27-2013, 11:39 AM
It definitely makes you question whether they do or not! If knowing what you are doing means looking things up on Google and printing them out to read, most of us here should go into business because we're all experts by now!

08-27-2013, 11:48 AM
It definitely makes you question whether they do or not! If knowing what you are doing means looking things up on Google and printing them out to read, most of us here should go into business because we're all experts by now!

Exactally & boy they don't like it do they !! Well tough I'm not willing to take another 15 yrs of my life . I will not be treated like this , it is despicable.
Such a let down , I wonder why I even trust theses people .

08-27-2013, 11:58 AM
No, they don't like it...that's why he told me, "Well you already seem to know everything so I don't really feel like you need to continue seeing me." Um. Thanks? Very helpful. I don't really think it's a counselor or therapists place to tell you whether or not you need counseling. If you're paying for it and you feel like you need it, then you do!