View Full Version : Should I go back to the Dr?

08-27-2013, 08:35 AM
The last time I saw my primary doctor back in July she did some more blood work on me (re-checked my thyroid and adrenal function), as well as neck x-rays to check out my c-spine because of the tension headaches I was having. All came back normal and I left with a suggestion to see a chiropractor because I may have a slight misalignment in my neck that could be contributing to the headaches. I'm still waiting on an appointment with the chiropractor (we only have one where I live and they are really booked)...the severe tension headaches have subsided (knock on wood), but I am still getting odd sensations in my head that come and go, and they worry me more than anything else. I find them extremely difficult to explain, but it feels almost like a very light electric zap or buzz and it comes in a very brief wave and then goes away, along with slight lightheaded or dizziness, but it unsettles me every single time. It *seems* to get worse the more tired I am. Nothing else scares me quite like my head symptoms. I have had an audiology test done where they checked my inner ears and everything was normal with that as well. At any rate, I've been doing really good with not desperately wanting to see a doctor about every little thing, but the head stuff really has me on edge. I do have an appointment with an ENT on September 4th, which is coming up pretty quickly. Do you think I'm okay to wait and discuss it with them, or should I try and get in to see my primary sooner?

08-28-2013, 08:28 PM
I have had multiple tests and been to the ER several times. The physiological effects of anxiety are quite nasty. Have you spoken with a psychiatrist about this?

08-28-2013, 08:59 PM
I start seeing a new counselor this weekend; not a good experience the first time around. I'm coping extremely well with my anxiety medication free, and intend to keep in that way...my head symptoms are the only thing that bothers me really at this point.