View Full Version : Questioning sexuality because of Anxiety?

08-27-2013, 07:55 AM
Lately, I have been feeling anxious about at least something. It's not always the same thing, but it's always something. I'm depressed and honestly don't do much other than play and watch stuff in my room. Recently, there's something that's been killing me whenever I think about it, and that's my sexuality.

Before now, there was no question. I liked women, and there was nothing more to it. But now, I literally have no idea what to think. I can't seem to get aroused by women, even though I know which women I find attractive. When I look at a man, the questioning kicks in and my heart spikes. I start thinking if I am gay, and it raises my temperature, as well as making my heart beat harder, as though I can feel every single beat. I start thinking that this could be the anxiety, or that I have nothing to stimulate my mind and this is the result. And while I have some idea that these can be legitimate reasons, I start thinking that I could just be making excuses for myself. When I'm in this state, I honestly don't know what to think. I start thinking about things logically. For example, when I look at an attractive woman, I can somehow see why they're attractive, be it their face, their legs, etc. When I look at a man in this state, I'm not sure what to think. I don't know why I'm feeling this way. I also think that if I am gay, what am I supposed to be attracted to? What about men am I attracted to? Or is it just the anxiety?

I have nothing against homosexuals of any kind. They're human beings and have nothing to be judged for in my opinion. But for me, my sexuality is a huge part of me. I don't know why, but it scares me that I might be a homosexual. I'm not sure why, it just does.

If anyone can help me or at least explain their experience with this, I would appreciate it to no end. I don't have any experience with anxiety. For example, I don't know if I'm thinking I'm gay because of anxiety, or I'm anxious because of these thoughts.
All help greatly appreciated.

EDIT: I couldn't see the original post so I re-posted as a reply.

08-27-2013, 07:59 AM
I was also wondering if anxiety could reduce sexual stimulation in any situation. I don't feel the desire for any kind of sexual interaction, it just scares me whenever I look at a man. It doesn't necessarily stimulate me.

08-27-2013, 07:59 AM
It's anxiety. See when we finally and rationally discount one specific fear, anxiety will still work it's way up in the psyche and manifest as some other anxiety/fear. Just part of how anxiety works for most of us.
It's simple really, if when feeling well(not very anxious) you are aroused by and climax to a fantasy of sex with a woman or the actual act and it feels natural,..... you're straight. You just are.
Now if you have sex with a woman and fantasize about men to climax, that would be another thing. I bet you are just anxious and straight as a board.
Yes, anxiety can interfere with sex. Alankay

08-27-2013, 08:05 AM
You have no idea how relieving that sounds. I have no experience with anxiety so I had no idea.
Thank you so much, very much appreciated.

08-27-2013, 10:39 PM
Well, that's a pretty tidy answer to a difficult question. I don't think anyone on here can assure you it's just anxiety. Nor can anyone else tell you that you're gay, straight, bisexual or whatever. Only you can answer that question. I will share this. I'm a gay man who experienced a lot of anxiety in dealing with my sexuality. I tried to suppress it for many many years. Nobody just "wants" to be gay and deal with all the societal bullshit and stigmas that go with it. Being heterosexual is much easier, no matter where you live. You aren't forced to deal with inequality, homophobia, religious quandaries and the like. It just doesn't exist. A man holding hands with a woman while walking down a crowded street doesn't rate a second glance. Let 2 men do that in most places, and well, you've got yourself an instant spectacle. Now I'm not trying to convince you one way or the other. Only you know the real truth, and it doesn't matter who pats you on the back and gives you assurances that you're "straight as a board" or "queer as a football bat". But I can tell you that I know that anxiety and dealing with your own sexual identity, the one that makes you truly happy or fall in love or feel physically aroused, can and often do go hand in hand. I'd also say that if you are gay and you keep fighting it off because you're scared or want to be a part of the "normal" majority, you may find it extremely difficult to ditch the anxiety...if, indeed, that is a major underlying root of much of your worry. Best of luck to you. I hope you find the true answers you're looking for. I'm afraid this one will come from within yourself...not from what someone else assures you that you are.

08-27-2013, 11:02 PM
I'm straight, and I have nothing against anyone's sexuality. I say do what makes you happy. Its all about you at this point. But I do think you might be on the wrong forum since you don't suffer from anxiety or depression. Or maybe I didn't understand your question. Regardless don't worry about what other people think. Do what you think is right.

08-28-2013, 04:14 AM
Maybe your underlying anxiety is making you have lesser sexual thoughts. Anxiety can lower your sex drive, or heighten it. High stress and anxiety can do that. You feel like sex is just a thing. No big deal I'm not interested. Is that how you feel? Like nothing can really "turn you on"?? It could be normal with anxiety.

08-28-2013, 09:37 AM
I was also wondering if anxiety could reduce sexual stimulation in any situation. I don't feel the desire for any kind of sexual interaction, it just scares me whenever I look at a man. It doesn't necessarily stimulate me.

Yes, anxiety can completely kill your sex drive. So if your anxiety is going crazy you're going to have a hard time getting aroused by a woman even if you find them attractive.

08-28-2013, 09:47 AM
Anxiety can make you feel unattractive to the point where you don't want to have sex. I was like that for a while. I would start thinking about All the negative things that could happen to me from having sex that I would lose the urge altogether.